南非一公司為本地鋼廠求購大量焦碳,如下是有關信件:Reg No: 2004/013909/23LicenceNo:20210545PO BOX 32859BRAAMFONTEINSouth Africa2017Tel:BethuelMashilwane +2784 363 6414Lipuo Mothae +2783 349 3271MorwesiMore+2783 307 7973E-Mail Address: bethuel1975@yahoo.comTo:Economic& Commercial SectionATT: Mr. GAORe: TradeEnquiryVintageResources cc was founded in 2004 to participate inthe resultantopportunities in the minerals and resources sector.The primaryfocus of Vintage Resources
is to trade in a selectportfolio ofcommodities. We are poised to forge businesscooperation and enterinto joint ventures with enterprises and makecontacts, which willbe mutually beneficial to business interestsalike.We thereforerequest to be putotnicontact with MetallurgicalCoke producers inChina who are interested in supplying the SouthAfricanmarket.BestRegards,注:我處未對此信息的真實有效性及該公司的背景和商業信譽進行過調查,請自行注意商業風險。