一、石油、天然氣類項目:項目 公司 地點 狀態 預期啟動時間 產能 投資額Enfield oil projectWoodsideEnergy/Mistui 50km N of Exmouth New Project, committed Late2006100kbd 14.8億澳元John Brookes gas projectApacheEnergy/Santos/Encana/Exxon Mobil Offshore CarnarvonNewProject,under construction mid 2005 20mcfpd 2.2億澳元Kwinanarefineryclean Disel project BP Kwinana Redevelopment,underconstruction2005 nil 6000萬澳元Mutineer/ExeteroilfieldSantos/Kufpec/NipponOil/Woodside Energy 150km
N ofDampier,Carnarvon Basin New Project,committed mid 2005 100kbd4.8億澳元Telfer gas pipeline GasNetAustralia Port Hedland to TelferNew Project,under constructionLate 2004 na 1.14億澳元Blacktip gasdiscovery(incl pipeline)Woodside/Shell/Agip Offshore BonaparteBasin New Project,Feasibility study under way,Location under review2007 40PJ pagas1.7 mmbblcondensate 10億澳元Cliff Head oil projectRocOil/AWE/Wandoo/VoyagerEnergy/CIECO Offshore Perth BasinNewProject, Feasibility study completed,FEED under way Late 200510-20kbd 1.56億澳元Dimethyl Ether project Japan DME Burrup PeninsulaNewProject, Feasibility study under way Late 2007 1.7 Mt DME11億澳元Gasto liquid fuels plant SASOL/ Chevron JV Barrow Island NewProject,Feasibility study under way 2005-06 30-45 kbd diesel,7.3kbd napthaand LPG 20億澳元(第一階段)Gorgon LNG Chevron Texaco/Shell/ExxonMobilBarrow Island New Project, Feasibility study under way 200810MtLNG300 TJ/daynatural gas 110億澳元Liquigaz methanol plantGTLResources Burrup Peninsula New Project, Feasibility studycompleted2006 1Mt methanol 7.7億澳元North West Shelf ProjectExtension(fifthtrain) Woodside Energy North West Shelf Expansion,Feasibilitystudy under way 2008 4.2Mt LNG 16億澳元Pilbara LNGplant(based onScarborough gas) BHP Billiton Near onslow NewProject,pre-feasibility study under way 2010 6Mt LNG 40億澳元二、銅礦項目項目公司 地點 狀態預期啟動時間 產能 投資額Nifty sulphide resource Aditya Birla GroupPilbaraRegion Expansion,Under construction 2005 60kt Cuinconcentrates1.48億澳元Maroochydore Aditya Birlapuorg60km S of TelferNewProject, Feasibility study under way na 30kt CucathodenaPanoramaCopper-Zinc project Sipa Resources 100km SE of Pt HedlandNewProject, review of feasibility study under way na 73kt Cu226 ktZn4000-6000萬澳元三、金礦項目:項目 公司 地點 狀態 預期啟動時間 產能 投資額Daisy-MilanoPerilyaNear Kalgoorlie New Project, under construction Late200460000-70000oz NaSt Ives Gold Fields Australasia Lake LefroyRegionExpansion, under construction Late 2004 100000 oz1.25億澳元PaulsensNustar Mining(Taipan) 180 km W of burdoo NewProject, underconstruction mid 2005 80000 oz initially increasingto 135000 oz3200萬澳元Sunrise Dam underground development AngloGold55km S ofLaverton underground development committed Progressivelyto 2007 na8700萬澳元Telfer redevelopment Newcrest 400km ESE of PortHedlandRedevelopment,Under construction Late 2004 800000 oz Au30ktCu12億澳元Boddington (Wandoo) Newmont/Anglogold/Newcrest SE ofPinjarraRedevelopment, feasibility study being updated 2007 600000ozAu22.5kt Cu 7.35億澳元Bronzewing redevelopment View Resources 65 kmNEof Leinster Redevelopment, feasibility studynearingcompletionEarly 2005 110000-130000 oz naFrog’s Legunderground DioroExploration/Mines and Resources Australia WA Newproject,feasibility study nearingcompletion 2006 60000 oz 1800萬澳元GwaliaDeeps Sons of Gwalia WA Expansion underground,Feasibilitystudyunder review na 120000-150000 oz 12.5億澳元Indee RangeRiverGold/Bullion Minerals Near Whim Ck New project, feasibilitystudynearingcompletion 2005 50000oz 1200-1500萬澳元Sunrise Damundergroundexpansion Anglogold WA Expansion underground,Feasibilitystudyunder way 2007 na 8700萬澳元Wallaby undergroundextension(GrannySmith) Placer Dome 23 km S of LavertonExpansionunderground,Feasibility study completed na na naWestoniaWestoniaMines Westonia Reopening,, feasibility study under reviewmid 200590000oz 4300萬澳元四、鐵礦砂項目項目 公司 地點 狀態 預期啟動時間 產能投資額Koolyanobbingexpansion Portman 50km NNE of Southern CrossExpansion, underconstruction Late 2005 3Mt 5500萬澳元Mining AreaCexpansion BHPBilliton Pilbara Expansion, under construction end2004 8Mt(inclport and rail) 1. 52億澳元Mt Gibson Hematite Mt GibsonIron 324 km SEof Geralton New Project, committed.On hold na 1.5Mt2200萬澳元BHPBilliton’s Rapid Growth Project 2 BHP Billiton PilbaraNewproject,committed mid 2006 8Mt(incl port and rail)8.2億澳元WestAngelas Rio Tinto/Robe River Pilbara Expansion,Underconstructionmid 2005 5Mt 1.42億澳元Yandicoogina mine and Dampier PortexpansionRio Tinto Pilbara Expansion,Under construction 2005 12Mt12.5億澳元(含港口)BHP Billiton capacity expansion project BHP BillitonPilbaraExpansion, feasibility study under way 2005-2006 27-32MtnaCapePreston mine and pellet plant Mineralogy Fortscue Newproject,feasibility study under way 2007-2008 5Mt iron oreconcentrates 7Mtpellets 18億澳元Hope Downs Hancock prospecting/KumbaPilbara Newproject, feasibility study completed 2007-2008 25Mt17億澳元KoolanIsland Aztec Resources Koolan island New project,feasibility studyunder way 2006 3-4Mt 5000萬澳元Koolanooka pelletProject MidwestCorporation 55km N of Mullewa New project,feasibility studycompleted 2007 4.5 iron ore pellets 5.4億澳元PilbaraInfrastructureproject Fortescue MetalspuorgPilbara New project,feasibilitystudy under way 2006-2007 na 14.4億澳元Pilbara Iron oreprojectFortescue MetalspuorgChichester Ranges, Pilbara Newproject,feasibility study under way 2006-2007 45Mt 4.1億澳元Weld RangeMidwestCorporation 370 km N of Geraldton New project,pre-feasibilitystudy under way na 10Mt 7.33億澳元六、鉛-鋅-銀礦類項目 公司 地點 狀態預期啟動時間 產能投資額Magellan lead project(stage 1) MagellanMetals(Ivernial/SentientGlobal Resources) 30km W of Wiluna Newproject,Under constructionEarly 2005 70kt Pbin concentrates3600萬澳元Magellan leadproject(stage 2) MagellanMetals(Ivernial/Sentient GlobalResources) 30km W of Wiluna NewProject, committed 2007 90kt Pbinconcentrates 2500萬澳元Jaguar basemetals Jabiru Metals 260km N ofKalgoorlie New Project, feasibilitystudy nearing completion 200634kt Zn10kt Cu1m oz Ag4300萬澳元第七、礦物砂項目類:項目 公司 地點 狀態 預期啟動時間 產能投資額Coburn Gunson Resources250km N of Geraldton New project,feasibility study nearingcompletion mid 2006 172kt ilmenite78 ktzr21kt leucoxene14kt rutile6200萬澳元Dongara Ticor Eneabba NewProject, feasibility study underway 2005 200ktilmenite30ktrutile30kt zircon 1500-7100萬澳元JangardupSouth BeMax ResourcesJangardup South New Project, EIS andfeasibility study under way2005-2006 250kt mineral sandsconcentrates 4000萬澳元第八、鎳礦項目項目 公司 地點狀態 預期啟動時間 產能 投資額Maggie HaysLionOre 130km W of Norseman NewProject, under construction Late2004 4kt Ni 2800萬澳元Perseverenceunderground extension WMC ResourcesLeinster Expansion,underconstruction late 2005 na 2億澳元RavensthorpeQNI(BHP Billiton) 35km Eof Ravensthorpe New project,underconstruction 2007 220ktmixedNi/CohydroxideIntermediateProduct(feedfor Yabulu refinery)15億澳元BlackSwan open pit MPI Mines Near Kalgoorlie Expansion,Feasibility studyunder way 2005 5.5-7.5kt Niin concentrates5500萬澳元ForrestaniaWestern Areas 130 km S of Southern Cross NewProject, Feasibilitystudy nearing completion 2006 10kt Ni7000萬澳元HoneymoonWell(Wedgetail) MPI Mines 37km SSE of Wiluna NewProject,Feasibility study nearing completion Late 2005 8 ktNi3500萬或5500萬澳元Kalgoorlie nickel project Heron Resources NofKalgoorlie New Project, pre-feasibility study under way na 50ktNi,3kt Co 14億澳元Mt Keith WMC Resources S of WilunaExpansion,feasibility study completed.Development options beingconsidered2005 22kt Ni 1.5億澳元Mt keith concentrator and low pressureleachplant WMC Resources S of Wiluna Expansion, feasibility studyunderway 2006 25kt Ni 5.5-6.5億澳元Murrin Murrin Minara Resources 53km ENEof Leonora Expansion, on hold 2007 10kt Ni 2.5億澳元SherlockBaySherlock Bay Nickel Corporation Near Karratha NewProject,feasibility study completed 2005 8kt Ni1.6 kt Cu3400萬澳元YakabindieWMC Resources S of Wiluna Expansion,pre-feasibility study underway 2009 32kt Ni na第九、稀土礦項目:項目 公司 地點 狀態預期啟動時間 產能 投資額Mt Weld LynasCorp Meenaar and Mt Weld New project,feasibility study nearingcompletion 2006 33kt concentratescontaining40-45% rare earthoxides 4300-5000萬澳元Pinjarra galliumextraction plant Geo SpecialtyChemicals Pinjarra New Project,deferred indefinitely na 100t of‘4N’gallium metal 7500萬澳元第十、鉭礦項目項目公司 地點 狀態 預期啟動時間 產能 投資額Mt Deansproject Tantalum Australia 6km SW ofNorseman New project,feasibility study under way 2005 100000lbtantalum500萬澳元第十一、其他礦產開發項目:項目 公司 地點 狀態 預期啟動時間 產能 投資額Ammonia plantBurrupFertilisers Burrup Peninsula New Project, under constructionLate2005 760kt ammonia 6.45億澳元Ammonia nitrate plant DeepakFertilisersBurrup Peninsula Expansion, feasibility study under wayna 300ktammonia nitrate,270kt nitric acid,i150kt ammonia3億澳元Argyleunderground study (diamonds) Rio Tinto 130 km SSW ofKununurra NewProject, feasibility study under way 2007 Na naDampierNitrogenproject(ammonia/urea) Dampier Nitrogen JV(PlentyRiver/Thiess)Burrup Peninsula New Project, feasibility study underway 2005 1.2Mt urea100kt ammonia 9億澳元Ellendale diamond mineexpansion KimberleyDiamond Company 140 km ESE of Derby Expansion,feasibility studynearing completion 2007-2008 na 7800萬澳元ExmouthSolar salt projectStraits Salt Near Exmouth New project,feasibility study under way2008 3Mt 1.2億澳元Manganese dioxideprojectt HiTec Energy 50km N ofKalgoorlie New project, feasibilitystudy completed 2006 14ktelectrolytic Mn dioxide 5500萬澳元Pantonplatinum palladium projectPlatinum Australia 60 km N of Halls CreekNew Project, feasibilitystudy completed Under review na69000-95000oz PGM’s5700-6400萬澳元Swan River (Kerrigan)Kaolin projectMineralsCorporation Near Tammin New Project, technical feasibilitystudycompleted na 250kt processed kaolin na第十二、氧化鋁加工項目:項目 公司 地點狀態預期啟動時間 產能 投資額Pinjarra refinery efficiency upgrade Alcoa/AluminaPinjarra Expansion, under construction Late 2005 600kt4.4億澳元Worsley refinery expansion (Worsley Alumina DevelopmentCapitalProject) BHP Billiton/Japan Alumina/Sojitz Alumina NearbunburyExpansion, committed Early 2006 250kt 2.36億澳元Wageruprefineryexpansion (Unit 3) Alcoa/ Alumina Darling RangesExpansion,feasibility study and public consultations under way na2000kt15億澳元第十三、粗鐵和港加工項目項目 公司 地點 狀態 預期啟動時間 產能 投資額Hismelt iron plantRioTinto/Nucor/Mitsubishi/shougang Kwinana New project,underconstruction Late 2004 820kt pig iron 4 億澳元第十四、鈦礦加工項目:項目 公司 地點狀態預期啟動時間 產能 投資額Kemerton TiO2 pigment plant MillenniumInorganicChemicals Kemerton Expansion, on hold na 110kt TiO2pigment 4.7億澳元Kwinana TiO2 pigment plant Tiwest JV Kwinana Threestageexpansion, stage 1 environmental approval granted na 180ktTiO2pigment2億澳元注:①資料引自澳農業和資源經濟局;②背景為陰影部分為已決定興建或在建項目,無陰影部分為處于可行性研究階段或尚未決定興建的項目;③na:notavailable④kbd: kilo barrels/day⑤Mt: million tons⑥kt: kilotons