After 23 years as manager of exhibitions, InternationalRelations,PR and other trade promotion related tasks withinStockholmInternational Fairs, Mr. Jack Herodes has now started hisownconsultant company. One of the sectors he has already gotinvolvedin is taking Swedish representatives from selected tradesfor studyand contact visits to China. Several business meetings,seminars,lectures and exhibition visits have been organised incollaborationwith Chinese Chambers of Commerc
e and other tradeorganisations.Theassistance Mr. Herodes can offer Chinesecompanies and theirorganisations is support in participating inexhibitions and othertypes of trade promotion activities, organisestudy tours andmeetings, set up press conferenses and receptions,find relevantbusiness partners on the market.To assist companiesin finding thecenter export, import, or subconstruction partners onforeignmarkets is the main idea of Mr. Herodes. He is now open tomeetChinese companies and organisations and with them discussthepossibilities and means for how this could be carried out inSwedenand the other Nordic countries.Jack Herodes, JKH Information&Marketing, Kyrkogatan 20, SE-647 30 Mariefred, Sweden. Tel.+46(0)70 749 43 00, e-mail: