招標時間:2004年11月24日招標單位:塞拉利昂農業部招標內容:100臺帶拖車的拖拉機及配件、30臺使用柴油發動的大米脫粒機及配件截止日期:2004年12月10日正文如下:SECTION1INVITATIONFOR BIDS (IFB)Contract Identification Number: IFBMAFFS/9/5/27TheGovernment of the Republic of Sierra Leone underthe 2005 budgetaryprovisions has made funds available to theMinistry of Agriculture,Forestry and Food Security for theprocurement of Tractors and RiceMills to accelerate Food SecurityProgramme
in Sierra Leone.1. TheMinistry of Agriculture and FoodSecurity invites sealed bids fromeligible bidders for the supplyof the following:-i. Lot 1Onehundred (100) New Tractors completewith Trailers, Implements andspare partsii. Lot 2Thirty (30) NewMid Range in built dieselgenerator rice mills spare parts.2.Bidding will be conducted underthe guidelines specified in theinterim Rule and Regulationscurrently governing Public Sectorprocurement in Sierra Leone ?march 1st 2004, and is open to allfirms (Companies) registered inSierra Leone. Foreign Frims(Companies) that wants to participate inthis bid can do so eitherdirectly or through their authorizedagents.3. A complete set ofbidding document may be purchased byinterested bidders for any orboth of the lots frorn the procurementUnit, M215 2nd Floor, YouyiBuilding, Freetown-Sierra Leon