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http://whmsebhyy.com 2004年11月12日 17:53 商務(wù)部網(wǎng)站

  The Croatian Privatization Fund on behalf of the GovernmentofCroatia has announced the sale of shares ofSladoranad.d.?panjaCompany InformationSladorana JSC ?panja is one of thethreesugar factories in Croatia. Sladorana JSC participates with30% inthe total annual production of sugar in Croatia, whichamounts from130.000 to 140.000 tons. Sladorana increased dailycapacity ofsugar beet processing during 2003, from 5000 tons perday to 6000tons. The processing capacity was incre
ased byreconstruction ofextraction plant and investing in construction ofsilo for storageof sugar with capacity 50.000 tons.Location &FacilitiesTheCompany is located in the industrial zone of theEastern Slavoniantown of Zupanja, which is situated on the SavaRiver approximately280 km to the east of Zagreb. Zupanja isadjacent to theZagreb-Lipovac motorway and there is a railconnection to the sugarrefinery linking it with the Slavonianregion and Zagreb. The mainCompany site in Zupanja covers a totalland area of approx380,000m2 and all land is registered under thename Sladoranad.d.The Company owns a further 230,000m2 of land inand aroundZupanja: pastureland by the Sava River; land adjacent totherailway and motorway; a number of restaurants and acommunitycenter. In addition, Sladorana own a recreation centerwith 30 bedsin the Dalmatian town of Vodice primarily used by staffforvacations.The main production facilities in Zupanja werefirstconstructed in 1947 and include:Sugar Refinery;SilosOne50,000-tonsilo - recently constructed at a cost of HRK 38m.Two9,000-tonsilos ?older silos;Alcohol FactoryandAdministrationBuilding.ProductsSladorana d.d. products are basedon processingbought in harvested sugar beets and imported raw sugarinto itsrefinery.Sugar beet seeds are planted in the spring (March)and areharvested in autumn (Septr through to Novr) by approx.900co-operatives on a total of 10,000 hectares of land. TheCompanyprovides the co-operatives seeds, fertilizers etc andtechnicalassistance. Upon harvest, the sugar beet is transported tothesugar refinery for immediate processingerehwdaily operationsareconducted in 3 shifts (approx. 80 days). Sugar refined fromsugarbeets is stored exclusively in the 50,000-ton silo.Productssold tothe market place are:Refined white sugar;Sugar beetpulp;Alcohol,protein dust and oil derived from molasses.Sladoranais the onlysugar refinery in Croatia that can producealcohol.LegalOverviewSladorana d.d. is a joint stock companyregistered at theTrade Registrar of Osijek Court under noTt-96/382-2, MBS 030010011of June 11, 1996. Its head office islocated at the address NaseljeSecerane 63, 32270 Zupanja,Croatia.The Company? capital amounts toHRK 266,824,700 divided into2,668,247 ordinary shares with anominal value of HRK 100 pershare.Share Structure at Decr 31,2003ShareholdersNo. of sharesValuein HRKPercentage(%)DAB1,142,127114,212,70042.80MinistryofFinance647,69364,769,30024.27CroatianPrivatizationFund563,51856,351,80021.12SlavonskaBankad.d.183,11418,311,4006.86Croatian Water(HrvatskeVode)130,61013,061,0004.90Zupanjska Banka d.d.(ustecaju)54354,3000.02Varazdinska Bankad.d.30230,2000.01HZMO(PensionFund)27827,8000.01SmallShareholders626,2000.01TOTAL2,668,247266,824,700100Source:CompanyManagementState portfolio being offered for sale is2,484,226shares with a nominal value of HRK 248,422,600 or 93.10%.KeyFinancials200120022003Revenues101,327308,751429,925Profit/(Loss)(78,066)33,21524,046Source:AuditedStatutory AccountsEmployeesSladorana JSC ?panja todayemploys 349employees. The president of the Management Board is Mr.MarinkoPaukovi?The deadline for submission of bids: Decr 06, 2004by 14,00Hours.For any further information, please contact us atthe numbersbelow:Hrvojka Skokovic and ZeljkaBukic-PopovicCroatianPrivatization Project / Croatian PrivatizationFundTel: + 385 1 6060 779or + 385 1 45 96 456E-mail:investcroatia@cas-cpp.comFor anyfurther information on tenderprocedure please visit:www.hfp.Please click here if you would liketo receive informationon privatization opportunities in Croatia inthe future.


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