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沃特迪斯尼企業(yè)品牌區(qū)域總監(jiān)Lance Diaresco

http://whmsebhyy.com 2004年11月12日 14:18 新浪財經(jīng)

  Lance Diaresco’s job requires him to live and breathe the Disney brand everyday. His passion for brands combined with his commitment to The Walt Disney Company has propelled him to be the head of Corporate Brand Management in Asia-Pacific Region. Integral to the development of cohesive brand strategies, he works in partnership with all the business units — including film, home entertainment, television, internet, publishing, music, consumer products, parks and resorts.
Under his leadership, Disney’s Corporate Brand Management continues to identify strategic opportunities that will both build the brand and the business such as the expansion of Disney entertainment offering and the development of character franchises in different markets.

  Prior to Disney, Lance worked for reputable FMCG companies such as Procter & Gamble and Colgate-Palmolive elsewhere in the region. Lance has 15 years of experience in marketing and brand management. He earned a B.A. in Management and Economics from Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines.

  Title of Presentation: Managing Brands Inside-Out


  Effective brand management demands an inside-out approach.

  Inside the organization, the process begins with a clear and compelling brand vision, supported by strong brand leadership. An enlightened and empowered organization is defined by employees who are also brand champions. Furthermore, an integration of the brandotnithe company’s business process is essential. Brand, which is the most important asset of any company, must be firmly assessed inpuorgto be managed effectively.

  Outside the organization, this means consistently delivering the brand promise and ensuring that all consumer touchpoints build equity. An ongoing understanding and management of consumer needs is imperative to nurturing strong emotional connection which will endure for generations.

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