2、北京市人民政府關于公布撤銷各類開發區名單的通知Laws and Explanation of Laws
1.puorgNo.25 of the President of the People’s Republic ofChina,Promulgating the Decision of the Standing Committee of theNationalPeople’s Congress on Amending the Fisheries Law of thePeople’sRepublic of China
2. Fisheries Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaRules andOtherMeasures of theMinistry of Commerce
1. Circular of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’sRepublicof China, on Strengthening the Safety and Security WorksofOverseas Labor Service Personnel
2. Circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Commerceofthe People’s Republic of China, on Start Using theRatificationCertificate on Investments of Enterprises from MainlandChina toHong Kong and MacauDepartment Rules and Other MeasuresofGovernmentDepartments and Local Governments
1. Supplementary Circular of the Ministry of Finance ofthePeople’s Republic of China, on Issues Concerning theFinancingProcedures of Add-and-Subtract Value of Assets EvaluationonOutwards Investments From Foreign Funded Enterprises
2. Circular of the People’s Government of BeijingMunicipality,Releasing the List of the Repealed DevelopmentZones