荷蘭咨詢公司為中國企業(yè)走向歐盟提供以下服務(wù):The mission of BBLG is theefficient(multi-lingual) development and provision of qualified,welldocumented, sales leads and marketing surveys at the requiredandthe professional delivery of the clients initial valuepropositionlevel to support the complex sales process. Forfurtherinformation, please contact: BBLG. Mr. O. Haring, SalesExecutive.Groningensingel 1, Arnhem, The Netherlands. Tel : + 31 ?(0)26 -445 3887. Fax : + 31 ? (0)2
6 - 321 0446. E-mail:o.haring@bblg.nl.Please check our website www.bblg.nl.A summary ofour main benefits& differentiators are as follows:? FASTRESULTS: Provides newleads for direct sales persons - allows rapidpipelinedevelopment/strengthening ? keeps sales force focussed onCLOSING?PROVISION OF TRUE “BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE”:Detailed(contextualized) comments provided either throughprospecting ormarket surveys? TIME SAVING: No “ramp-up” timerequired forrecruiting/training etc.? STANDARDIZATION: Standardapproach usedacross Europe (value proposition delivery), but withlocalcontext/cultural finesse.? COST REDUCTION: No additionalhead-countnecessary or associated set-up costs? SCALABLE &MULTILINGUAL:Allows both regional/linguistic barriers to beovercome?TECHNOLOGY: Data transfer capabilities ? very wide ?providingfeedbackotniyour CRM tool? RISK REDUCTION: Utiliseexperiencedmulti-lingual prospecting team with set deliverables