招標時間:2004年11月5日招標單位:塞拉利昂教育部招標內容:為18所學校修建水井和衛生間截止日期:2004年11月30日正文如下:INVITATIONFORBIDS (IFB)NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING (NCB)Date of issuanceofBidding Documents: 30/10/2004Contract IdentificationNoCAUSE/SP/NCB/04/10/2004IDA Grant No HO200SLName Agency: MinistryofEducation, Science and Technology1. The Government of theRepublicof Sierra Leone has received a grant from theInternationalDevelopment Association and a loan and a
grant fromthe AfricanDevelopment Bank towards the cost ofGOSL/IDA/ADB/Education Projectand intends to apply part of thefunds to cover eligible paymentsunder the contract for civil Worksin the Koinadugu district.Bidding is open to all eligible countriesas defined in theguidelines: Procurement under IBRD loans and IDAcredits.2. CAUSESierra Leone, on behalf of the Ministry ofEducation, Science andTechnology, invites sealed bids from eligiblebidders for theconstruction of water wells, ventilated improved pitlatrines andgravity fed taps for schools in the koinadugu districtasfollows::BATCH NO LOT NO CHIEFDOM LOCATION NAME OF SCHOOLDETIONQTYIV 9 SULIMA FALABA Falaba Sec. School Const. WaterWellConst. 6Comp. VIP toilet 11SULIMA LIMBAYA DEC Primary SchoolConst. WaterWellConst. 11DELIA SINKUNIA SINKUNIA Sinkuia SecondarySchoolConst. Water WellConst. 6 Comp. VIP toilet 11DELIASINKUNIASINKUNIA DEC Primary School Const. Water WellConst. 6 Comp.VIPtoilet 11DELIA SINKUNIA SAGALIREH DEC Primary School Const.WaterWellConst. 6 Comp. VIP toilet 11WRAR WARABAFODIA BAFODIABafodiaAgric. Secondary School Const. Water WellConst. 6 Comp. VIPtoilet11WRAR WARA BAFODIA BAFODIA Alharkan Primary School Const.WaterWellConst. 6 Comp. VIP toilet 11WRAR WARA BAFODIA KAKOYAWCSLPrimary School Const. Water WellConst. 6 Comp. VIP toilet11DIANGKondebaia Sec School Const. Water WellConst. 6 Comp. VIPtoilet11DIANG DEC Primary School Const. Water WellConst. 6 Comp.VIPtoilet 11DIANG R.C Primary School Const. Water WellConst. 6Comp.VIP toilet 11DIANG Musaia Sec School Const. Water WellConst.6Comp. VIP toilet 11FULAMASA DLIA Yiffin Sec School Const.WaterWellConst. 6 Comp. VIP toilet 11FULAMASA DLIA MCA PrimarySchoolConst. Water WellConst. 6 Comp. VIP toilet 11NIENI DECPrimarySchool Const. Water WellConst. 6 Comp. VIP toilet 11NIENIMCAPrimary School Const. Gravity tapConst. 6 Comp. VIP toilet11NIENIDEC Primary School Const. Gravity tapConst. 6 Comp. VIPtoilet11NIENI MCA Primary School Const. Water WellConst. 6 Comp.VIPtoilet 11Bidder must quote for one lot. Bidders quoting foranincomplete lot shall be considered non responsive.Completionperiod beyond 6 months is not acceptable. To be qualifiedfor theaward for a contract, successful bidders must be registeredwiththe Ministry of Works and Technical Maintenance withfinancialclass 3 or above.3. Bidding documents (and additionalcopies) maybe purchased at CAUSE- Sierra Leone, 122 Pademba Road,FreetownSierra Leone or CAUSE Sierra Leone 2 Bailor Lane Yogomaia ?Kabalafor a non refundable-fee of Le 150, 000,00 for each set.4.Bidsshall be valid for a period of 90 days after bid opening andmustbe accompanied by security of not less than 2% of the bidprice,and shall be delivered to CAUSE Sierra Leone at 2 BailorLane,Kabala on or before 10:am on 30th Novr 2004, at which theywill beopened at the same venue in the presence of bidders who wishtoattend.The Bid Security shall be in the form of aBankGuarantee