招標時間:2004年10月13日招標單位:塞拉利昂教育部招標內容:國際復興開發銀行和世界銀行援助項目修建24間教室截止日期:2004年10月30日正文如下:SECTION1INVITATIONFOR BIDS (IFB0NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING (NCB)Date ofissuance ofBidding Document: 30/09/2004Contract IdentificationNumber:CAUSE/SP/NCB/03/09/2004IDA Grant Number:H0200SLName:GOSL/IDA/ADB/Education ProjectExecuting Agency:Ministry ofEducation, Science and Technology1. The Government ofthe Republicof Sierra Leone has r
eceived a grant from theInternationalDevelopment Association and a loan and a grant fromthe AfricanDevelopment bank towards the cost of theGOSL/IDA/ADB/EducationProject and intends to apply part of thefunds to cover eligiblepayments under the contract for the civilWorks in the Koinadugundistrict. Biding is opened to all eligiblecountries as defined inthe guidelines:Procurement under IBRD Loansand IDA Credits2. CAUSESierra Leone Programme on behalf of theMinistry of Education,Science and Technology invites bidders forthe construction ofschools in kionadugu district as follows:BATCHNOLOTNO CHIEFDOMLOCATION NAME OF SCHOOL DETION QTY3 VII NIENI YIFFINYiffin Sec.School Construction 3 classroom block Construction AdminBlock11NIENI YIFFIN MCA primary school Rehab. 2 ClassroomblockRehab. 2Classroom blockConstruction 4 Classroom block111VIINIENIKUMALAMCAPrimaryRehab. 2 Classroom blockConstruction 4classroomblock11NIENI ALKALIA MCA Primary School Construction 4Classroomblock rehab. 3 Classroom block 11Bidders must quote forone or morelots. Bidders quoting for an incomplete lot shall beconsidered nonresponsive. Complete period beyond 6 months is notacceptable. Tobe qualified for the award of a contract, successfulbidders mustbe registered with the Ministry of Works and TechnicalMaintenancewith the Financial Class 3 or above.3. Bidding documents(andadditional copies) may be purchased at CAUSE ? Sierra Leone,122Pademba Road, Freetown or CAUSE Sierra Leone 2 BailorlaneYogomaia- Kabala for a Non-refundable for of Le150, 000.00 foreachset.4. Bids shall be valid for a period 90 days after openingandmust be accompanied by bid security of not less then 2% of thebidprice, and shall be delivered to CAUSE Canada SierraLeoneProgramme at 2 Bailor Lane, Kabala on or before 10: am on30thOctober 2004, at which time they will be opened at the samevenuein the presence of the bidders who may wish to attend.TheBidSecurity must be in the form a Bank Guarantee