Mr. STANFORD PAVENICKI am offering for sale U.S. Patent#5,307,847. This patent covers a Nail Polish Applicatorwhichpermits the user to transfer the nail polish from the bottleto thebottle caperehwit becomes stored when the bottle is openedbyremoving the cap. The polish is then released from the cap tothebrush as required by very slight finger pressure on the cap.Thisenables the user to apply polish to all their nailswithoutreturning to the bottle for replensihment. Pol
ish can be dto allten finger nails at normal application speed in about1-1/4minutes. When the cap is re-fastened to the bottle and closed,thenail polish remaining in the cap returns to the bottle. Thebrushremains soft and pliable as it is again immeresed in thepolish inthe bottle.The entire proceedure is not only a great timesaver butreduces the likelihood of spilling any polish. I will bemost happyto send you a copy of the patent on request, for yourexaminationand further interest. There is a very large market forsale of thisproduct to the cosmetic companies in the USA and theWorld and asan export from China as a product with or withoutpolish.StanfordPavenick141 East 56th StreetApt 2kNew York, NY10022Tel.1 212 3191965--我室上網(wǎng)信息根據(jù)公司材料或人員自述提供,欲合作者請自行考量。