招標時間:2004年10月15日招標單位:塞拉利昂政府招標內容:塞拉利昂近海石油區塊勘探招標1號至3號區塊,共計1.77萬平方公里截止日期:2005年4月15日正文如下:PETROLUMRESOURCESUNITSIERRA LEONE 2ND OFFSHORE PETROLUM BID ROUND 2004 BIDROUNDANNOUNCEMENTThe Petroleum Resources Unit of GovernmentAnnouncesSierra Leone’s 2004 Petroleum Bid Round for 3 blocks(SL1-SL3) about17,700SQ KM from 15th October 2004 to 15 April2005.About 2700KM ofnew 2D seismic covering these blocks, wellInformati
on and RegionalInterpretation are available for purchaseat the Offices of TGSNOPEC in Houston, Oslo-Norway and Bedford,UK. Companies thatpurchase data for blocks will be supplied withthe criteria forEvaluation of Bids and those that submit formalBids which meet thecriteria will be Bid-Qualified and allowed toenter intoNegotiations.Oil Companies are invited to evaluate ourOil potentialand bid for a Blocks or Blocks. We have a Royalty-TaxModelAgreement with Competitive Rates Survey Building, NewEnglandProgram.The Bid Round closes at 12 noon on the 15th April2005 andBids would be opened at 12:05 PM. At the Office of thePetroleumResources Unit, Rates and a Negotiable Unit, GeologicalSurveyBuilding, New England, Freetown.Government Reserves thecenter towithdraw the Bid Round and is not bound to choose anyBidder.Forfurther details, please contact the Managing General andTGS NOPECOffice below.PETROLEUM RESOURES UNIT (SL)GeologicalSurveyBuildingNew England, FreetownTel: 232 22 240740Fax: 23222241936Email: prus1004@yahoo,comPierre Benichou-President-Africa,MEand Asia PacificTel: +1 713 860 2105Fax: +1 713 334 3308Fax:+473129 2060Email: Pierre@tgsnopec.comTSG NOPECHOUSTONOFFICERichardHorscroft Sales ManagerTel: +1 713 860 2111Fax: +1 7133343308E-mail: Richard@tgsnopec.comTSG NOPECNORWAY OFFICEFrodeSandmesChief Geologist South EuropeTel: +47 3129 2012Fax: +4731292060E-mail: frode.sandnes@tgsnopec.noMelissa Stowe-MarketingGeophysicistTel: +1 713 860 2164Fax: +1 713 334 3308TSGNOPEC: UKOFFICERoger Welsh Manager AfricaTel: +44 (0) 1234 272761674Fax:+44 (0) 1234 272 408E-mail: rwelch@tgsnopec.comSteveButler SalesManagerTel: +44 (0) 1234 761674Fax: +44 (0) 1234 272408Email:steveb@tgsnopec. Co.ukA.C. WURIEDirector- General.