5、北京市人民代表大會常務委員會公告第22號,公布關于廢止《北京市外商投資企業解散條例》的決定Rules andOtherMeasures of theMinistry of Commerce
1. Announcement No.40, 2004 of the Ministry of Commerce,theGeneral Administration of Customs, the StateForestryAdministration of the People’s Republic of China, ReleasingtheList of Goods whose Export are Prohibited (the Second Batch)
2. Announcement No. 54, 2004 of the Ministry of Commerce,theGeneral Administration of Customs of the People’s RepublicofChina
3. Notification No.22, 2004 of the Tendering Board forForeignAssistance Projects of the Ministry of Commerce of thePeople’sRepublic of China
4. Notification No.23, 2004 of the Tendering Board forForeignAssistance Projects of the Ministry of Commerce of thePeople’sRepublic of ChinaDepartment Rules and Other MeasuresofGovernmentDepartments and Local Governments
1. Circular of the Ministry of Finance, the StateAdministrationof Taxation of the People’s Republic of China, onPrinting andIssuing the Provisions on Several Issues Concerning theEnlargementof VAT Offset and Deduction Scope in North-east Areas ofChina
2. Decree No.118 of the General Administration of Customs ofthePeople’s Republic of China, Promulgating the Measures oftheCustoms of the People’s Republic of China for AdministrationofEnterprises of Road Freight Transport and Their VehiclesandDrivers to and back from Hong Kong and Macau
3. Announcement No.28, 2004 of the General AdministrationofCustoms, the General Administration of QualitySupervision,Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic ofChina
4. Announcement No. 21 of the Standing Committee ofBeijingMunicipal People’s Congress, Promulgating the Decision onRevokingthe Regulations of Beijing on the Liquidation of ForeignFundedEnterprises
5. Announcement No. 22 of the Standing Committee ofBeijingMunicipal People’s Congress, Promulgating the Decision onRevokingthe Regulations of Beijing on the Dissolution of ForeignFundedEnterprises