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http://whmsebhyy.com 2004年09月10日 17:43 商務(wù)部網(wǎng)站

  招標(biāo)時間:2004年9月8日招標(biāo)單位:塞拉利昂教育部招標(biāo)內(nèi)容:世行援助項目為科伊杜地區(qū)6所小學(xué)修建校舍截止日期:2004年9月30日正文如下:INVITAIONFORBIDS (IFB)SABABU EDUCATION PROJECTNATIONAL COMPETIVEBIDDING(NCB)Date of issuance of Bidding Document:30/08/04ContractIdentification No CAUSE/SP/NCB02/08/04IDA Grant No:H0200-SLName:GOSL/IDA/ADB/Education ProjectEXECUTIVE AGENCY:Ministry ofEducation Science and Technology1. The Government of theRepublicof Sierra Leone has received a gr
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ant from theInternationalDevelopment Association and a loan and a grant fromthe AfricanDevelopment Bank towards the cost ofGOSL/IDA/ADB/Education Projectand intends to apply part of thefunds to cover eligible paymentsunder the contract for Civil Worksin the Koinadugu district.Bidding is open to all eligible countriesas defined in theguidelines: Procurement under IBRD loans and IDAcredit.2. CAUSE(Canada) Sierra Leone Programme on behalf of theMinistry ofEducation Science and Technology invites sealed bidsfrom eligiblebidders for the Construction of schools in Koinadugudistricts asfollows:Batch No Lot No CHIEFDOM LOCATION NAME OFSCHOOLDETIONDIANG KONDEBAIA Kondebaia Secondary School Const. 3classroomblock Const. Admin blockDIANG LENGEKORO DEC Primary Const.4Classroom block Rehab. 2 classroom blockDIANG BADELA R.CPrimarySchool Const. 3 ClassroomDIANG YARAH R.C Primary SchoolConst. 4classroom blockFOLLOSOBADLIA MUSAIA MUSAIA Secondary SchoolConst.3 Classroom blockConst. Admin blockFOLLOSABADLLA MUSAIA R.CPrimarySchool Const. 3 Classroom blockRehab. 2 classroomblockRehab. 2classroom blockRehab. 2 classroom blockBidders may bidfor one ormore lots. Bidders quoting for an incomplete lot shallbeconsidered non-responsive. Completion period beyond 6 months isnotacceptable. To be qualified for the award of a contract,successfulbidders must be registered with the Ministry of Works andTechnicalMaintenance with Financial class 3 or above.3. Biddingdocuments(and additional copies) may be purchased at CAUSE (Canada)SierraLeone Programme Head Office at 122 Pademba Road FreetownSierraLeone or Cause (Canada) Sierra Leone Programme KoinaduguDistrictOffice at 2 Bailor Lane, Yogomaia kabala for anon-refundable feeof Le150, 000, 00 for each set.4. Bid shall bevalid for a periodof 90 days after bid opening and must beaccompanied by bidsecurity of not less than 2% of the bid price,and shall bedelivered to CAUSE (Canada) Sierra Leone Programme,KoinaduguDistrict Office at 2 Bailor Lane, Yogomaia Kabala on orbefore10:am on 30th Septr 2004, at which time they will be openedat thesame venue in the presence of bidders who may wish toattend


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