Invitation to Tender for Hubara & Sahma BoosterStationUpgradePetroleum Development Oman (PDO), the premier oil& gascompany in the Sultanate of Oman, is putting up tendersfor Hubara& Sahma Booster Stations Upgrade. The official tenderisexpected to be issued by end Septr with a tentativebid-closingdate end October. The contract duration will be aroundsix (6)months.Bidder Requirements:1. Minimum of 5 years experienceinon-plot, oil and gas rotating equipment insta
llation in Omanorsimilar desert environment.2. Experience to include installationofheavy duty electric motor driven machinery and ancillaryequipmentfor oil and gas application.3. Corporate Health, SafetyandEnvironment (HSE) Plan and HSE records for the past fiveyears.4.Proof of skills in Quality Assurance, Quality Control andTechnicalAudits.5. Proof of financial responsibility and bankreferences offinancial strength.Potential tenderers are requestedto submitevidence to the above requirements no later than 11:30a.m.,Saturday, 11th Septr 2004.Written responses shall bedeliveredeither:a) By e-mail to Or hard copy(2 No’s)to Petroleum Development Oman, FPC/1F, C&P Building,MinaAL-Fahal, PO Box 81, Postal Code 113, Muscat. Fax:678547TenderFee:Once the responses to the above requirements havebeenreviewed, companies deemed to have met them will be invitedtocollect the tender package, which will be issued against:1)Anon-refundable fee of R.O. 100 (Omani Rials One Hundred only).2)Abank guarantee for US$ 5000 which shall be Refundableuponsubmission of complete technical bid.Clarifications to beaddressedto the above mentioned e-mail address.PetroleumDevelopmentOman