招標時間:2004年8月23日招標單位:塞拉利昂政府招標內容:國際復興開發銀行援款項下塞拉利昂健康恢復與開發項目分別新建/修復塞拉利昂馬克尼、卡巴拉、莫楊巴、科諾區政府醫院截止日期:2004年9月30日正文如下:INVITATIONFORBIDS (IFB)Date: of issue of invitationContract identificationno:ICB/CW/01/04World Bank Loan No: h210SLWorld Bank Loan/CreditName:HSRDP1. The Government of Sierra Leone has received a Grantfrom theInternational bank for Reconstruction and Development(IBRD) towardthe
cost of the Sierra Leone Health SectorReconstruction andDevelopment Project (HSRDP) and intends to applypart of the fundsto cover eligible payments under the Contract fortheRehabilitation/Reconstruction of four (4) District HospitalinSierra Leone (NCB/CW/01/04). Bidding is open to all biddersfromeligible source countries as defined in the Guidelines:Procurementunder IBRD Loan and IDA Credits.2. Bidders may bid forany one orseveral contracts as further defined in the biddingdocuments.Bidders wishing to offer discounts in case they areawarded morethan one or more contract will be allowed to do so,provided thosediscounts are included in the Form of Bid orsubmitted in writing,before the deadline for bid submission. AllBids and Offers ofdiscounts shall be opened and evaluatedsimultaneously so as todetermine the bid or combination of Bids,including discountoffering the lowest evaluated solution for theemployer.3. TheMinistry of Health and Sanitation on behalf of theGovernment ofSierra Leone invites sealed bids from eligible biddersfor theRehabilitation/Reconstruction of the following Hospitals:LotNoDetion of Works Qty Completion PeriodLot 1 MakeniGovernmentHospital (new Construction) 20 Structures 12 MonthsLot 2KabalaGovernment Hospital (Rehabilitation) 11 Structures 9MonthsLot 3Moyamba Government hospital Rehabilitation) 12Structures 9MonthsLot 4 Kono Government Hospital (Rehabilitation)17 Structures9 MonthsBidders wishing to bid for the above contractshall fulfillthe following minimum criteria(i) Minimum averageannual volume ofconstruction works successfully completed in thelast five years,equals $ 3,400,000.00 in the case of Lot One (1)and $1,600,000.00for each of Lots 2, 3, 4.(4) Bidding documents(additional copies)may be purchased at name and address below. (1)for non-refundablefee of 200 United States Dollars or itsequivalents in any freelycurrency, for each set. Interested biddersmay obtain furtherinformation at the same address.(5) Bids shall bevalid for aperiod of 90 days after Bid opening and must beaccompanied bysecurity of Le 125,000.00, for Lot 1 and Le 60,000.00for each ofLots 2,3 and 4 its equivalent in a freely-convertiblecurrency andshall be delivered to the name and address below (2) onor before12:00 hours 30th Septr 2004, at which time they will beopened inthe presence of bidders who choose to attend in theConference Roomof the Ministry of health and Sanitation, 4th Floor,YouyiBuilding, Freetown, Sierra Leone.1. The ProcurementmangerMinistryof health and SanitationRM E 404, 4th Floor,YouyiBuildingFreetown.