Surging refinery production drove Chinas crude imports up40.7per cent in July, as demand from the worlds second-largestoilconsumer continues to power ahead despite runaway worldcrudeprices and Beijings moves to cool down the boomingeconomy.Chinaalso bought more diesel and slashed gasoline exportsby almost33percent to fuel growing demand for the auto fuel as thenumber ofcar owners rise.Crude imports in July were 9.6 milliontonnes,2.32m barrels a day, up 40.7percent year on
year, customsdatashowed, That took the total for the first seven months to70.6mtonnes (2.49m bpd), up 39.5percent from theyear-earlierperiod.State refiners, which supply around 90percent ofthedomestic market, continued to pump at full tilt in July at22.9million tonnes, or 5.54m bpd, 13percent higher than a yearago,data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed.Chinaboosteddiesel imports by 175percent in July from a year earlier,though itfell 38percent from June, the General Administration ofCustomssaid. A longer-than-expected delay by Beijing to raisedomesticpump price has partly fuelled higher demand.The delayalsoencouraged stockpiling by independent dealers and end-users,whospeculate that domestic markets would track record-highglobalprices, steaming towards US$$50 a barrel for US lightcrude.(GulfNews)