In January through June, total imports and exports ofHainanProvince amounted to US$1.667 billion, up by 69.8% onayear-on-year basis, of which exports were US$470million,increasing by 27.2%. In early days, Fujian Province mainlydependedon preferential policy of on foreign exchange retention ofeconomicdevelopment zones to attract traders all over China totransactsettle accounts in Hainan. However, it is a different storythisyear, major reason for fast growth in foreign trad
e in 2004 wastorely on industrial strength and products of the Province itselfandcapacity of products to exploit international market. Keyexportmarkets grew by big margins, such as Hong Kong, Japan, USAandASEAN increased by 39.5%, 31.3%, 33.9% and 97.6%respectively.Foreign Trade of Hainan Province is turning todiversification ofexport commodities and market.With theparticipation to theregional cooperation of Pan-Pearl River Delta,Hainan Province takeadvantage of the opportunity of CEPA tocooperate with Hong Kong inservice trade. The economic trend of theProvince in the secondhalf the year would be more beneficial to thedevelopment ofHainans foreign trade.(Information by SpecialCommissionersOffice in Hainan)