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Fiscal deficit in US threatens world economy

http://whmsebhyy.com 2004年04月19日 10:06 新浪財經



US fiscal deficits could have a serious impact on US and global interest rates and economic growth, the International Monetary Fund and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development said yesterday.

國際貨幣基金組織的《世界經濟展望》(World Economic Outlook)將于下周全文發表,其中有一章寫道,美國財政和經常賬戶的失衡狀況必須得到重新調整,而有秩序地重新調整全球經濟失衡狀況,需要美國財政趨于穩定并努力促進海外需求增長。

A chapter from the IMF's World Economic Outlook, which will be released in full next week, says that US fiscal and current account imbalances must be rebalanced and that an orderly rebalancing of global economic imbalances requires fiscal stabilisation in the US as well as efforts to promote demand growth abroad.


The IMF expresses concern about the Bush administration's plans to cut the deficit in half by 2009, relative to the 2004 baseline, pointing to "a series of somewhat optimistic assumptions about government operations".

這些假設包括,2004年以后,美國在伊拉克的維和行動不會讓美國納稅人蒙受損失,嚴格遏制除國防和國土安全以外的支出,稅收收入將會跳升,以及不會改革替代性最低稅(Alternative Minimum Tax)。

These include no cost to US taxpayers from peacekeeping operations in Iraq beyond 2004, a strict containment of spending other than on defence and homeland security, and the assumption that tax revenues will jump and that there will be no reform of the Alternative Minimum Tax.


The IMF points to estimates by the US Congressional Budget Office that suggest the US deficit will remain largely unchanged over the next decade.


The IMF and the OECD, in a separate report released yesterday, call for more stringent efforts to reduce the US fiscal deficit in order to avoid deleterious effects on interest rates and crowding out private investment.


"By far the top priority is to confront the current and projected federal budget deficits," the OECD said, warning that "if public dissaving is not reduced, interest rates may be higher, ultimately implying slower growth in economic potential".


The 7 per cent deterioration in the ratio of the US fiscal deficit relative to GDP since 2000 is the largest deterioration since the second world war and is equal to about 6 per cent of world gross savings.


The IMF said current low interest rates reflected low demand from US businesses for external credit, but that a situation in which companies compete with the government for funds would push up both US and global interest rates and crowd out investment.

“這種情況越快得到控制,對全世界越好,”國際貨幣基金組織首席經濟學家拉古拉姆•瑞占(Raghuram Rajan)表示,“美國在過去一年經濟增長強勁,已使擴張性政策的正面貢獻很明顯,但目前我們認為,鞏固這一貢獻的必要性越來越大。”

"The sooner it is brought under control the better it will be for the world," said Raghuram Rajan, the IMF's chief economist. "Strong US growth over the past year has made the positive contribution of expansionary policy clear but at this point we see the increasing need for consolidation."


The IMF's World Economic Outlook also addresses China's rise as a global economic power and concern that this will have a negative impact on other countries. The impact of China's rise on the global economy will be more limited and also more beneficial than many observers suggest, according to the IMF.


China's emergence as the world's sixth largest economy (at market prices) and fourth largest trader has followed closely the pattern set by Japan and south-east Asian economies, the report says.


China will benefit from greater integration in the world market, but rich countries benefit from cheaper imports. Developing countries that supply China with capital goods and commodity producing countries benefit from Chinese demand, the IMF says.





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