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Strength of the euro undermines Europe's industrial powerhouse

http://whmsebhyy.com 2004年04月15日 11:12 新浪財經



Could Germany be turning into Singapore? The question may seem odd but it is seriously preoccupying economists observing the seemingly unstoppable ascent of the euro against the dollar.


Their fears are growing that euro strength may be accelerating the de-industrialisation of Germany as the relentless rise of the single currency erodes the competitiveness of Europe's biggest economy and its industrial powerhouse.


The process has been under way for some time. But its acceleration under the strong euro could help turn Germany's biggest manufacturers into import-and-export traders.


Scores of Germany's low-margin, export-dependent manufacturers - carmakers, tool manufacturers and electronics groups - are beginning to sweat as the euro, already up by more than 20 per cent over the past year, stampedes towards $1.30.

德國經濟的前景讓德國政府為之警覺。為德國政府提供經濟政策建議的五位“智囊”之一——伯特•呂魯普(Bert Ruerup)表示,哪怕歐元升值只是導致德國暫時喪失競爭力,那也可能進一步損傷德國的工業結構。他擔心歐元持久升值可能加速侵蝕制造業的根基,令德國面臨失業長期增長與實際收入停滯不前的狀況。從就業角度來看,制造業仍是德國經濟的中流砥柱。

The prospect is ringing alarm bells in Berlin. Bert Ruerup, one of the five "wise men" who advise the government on economic policy, says even a temporary loss of competitiveness because of the euro could further damage Germany's industrial fabric. He fears prolonged euro appreciation could hasten the erosion of the manufacturing base, still the backbone of Germany's economy in terms of jobs, leaving the country facing prolonged unemployment growth and stagnating real incomes.


A strong euro not only threatens Germany's market share in the US, says Mr Ruerup. He fears it will also curb German sales in the eurozone and in Asia where lower-cost competitors are making inroads.


He warns that Germany risks becoming "a bazaar economy" - a trade-based economy with a thin manufacturing backbone in which exports remain strong but "the share of local content is decreasing".


Economists say de-industrialisation, driven largely by labour costs that are 20 per cent above the European Union average, has been under way for some time. Over the past decade, companies have relocated production to countries with lower wages and less rigid labour laws.

但匯豐銀行(HSBC)的羅伯特•普萊爾(Robert Prior)表示,若歐元走強,特別是若歐元在不當高位保持一段時間的話,上述趨勢將惡化。德國工商總會(DIHK)最近的一項研究結果表明,約四分之一的德國企業打算在今后三年內將部分生產從德國轉向它國。而三年前,這個比例是五分之一。

But the strong euro, especially if it stays at an uncomfortably high level for some time, will worsen the trend, says Robert Prior of HSBC. According to a recent study by the German federation of chambers of commerce (DIHK), about one in four German companies intends to shift some production away from Germany over the next three years. Three years ago, it was one in five.


More significantly perhaps, the shift is no longer restricted to wage-intensive manufacturing operations but also administrative, accounting and research and development. Earlier this week Siemens said it would relocate accounting staff to the Czech capital Prague to save costs. Nor is the shift confined to big companies. Medium sized (Mittelstand) companies that account for the bulk of output have joined the exodus.

法國巴黎銀行(BNP Paribas)的讓-洛瓦克•吉耶澤(Jean-Loic Guieze)表示,上世紀90年代,德國企業的外國直接投資步伐加快,其中多數投資進入美國和其它歐盟國家,但在工資成本低得多的中歐,德國也一直是最大的投資國。外國直接投資是產能轉移的表現。

Jean-Loic Guieze of BNP Paribas says foreign direct investment by German companies, a reflection of shifting production capacity, accelerated in the 1990s. Most of it went to the US and the EU. But Germany has also been the biggest investor in central Europe, where wage costs are much lower.


In recent weeks the euro's surge to a record high has given manufacturers an extra incentive to look overseas.


Signs of Germany's industrial decline have been evident for some time, say economists. The output of the manufacturing sector has dropped from 130 per cent of the value of total exports to 90 per cent between 1990 and now. Private sector investment has fallen more than 11 per cent between 2000 and 2002. Over the same period, the number of jobs shed by the manufacturing sector - about 400,000 - has exceeded the cuts registered in the recession 10 years ago, although the economic downturn was deeper then.


Economists expect even more jobs to go as German companies struggle to cut costs and boost productivity. by Recent figures show employment falling at its fastest pace for 10 years.


Industrial decline has not yet reached the scale seen in Britain where manufacturing's share of gross domestic product fell from 31 per cent in 1970 to about 17 now. But Mr R黵up says Germany has already lost its international leadership in such areas as pharmaceuticals and chemicals, once the crown jewels of Rhineland capitalism.


Many experts believe the loss of industrial jobs and output will ultimately force Germany to become more efficient. Others see it as a natural consequence of economic progress as employment shifts to the service sector.


But Mr Ruerup fears the worst. "De-industrialisation would not be such a problem if Germany had a substitute," he says. "But while we are good in middle technology, we are not participating in the high-tech revolution."





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