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Riding high on ratings and profits

http://whmsebhyy.com 2004年04月07日 10:20 新浪財經


美國運通(American Express)首席執行官陳納德(Ken Chenault)正春風得意。

Ken Chenault, chief executive of American Express, is riding high.


The world's best-known financial services company is making handsome profits again. Its card business has exciting new opportunities in the US and overseas. And its share rating is the highest of any leading company in the sector, partly because most of the others would love to buy it - if only they could afford to.


How different from the picture at the end of 2001, when, after the September 11 attacks, the group faced what Mr Chenault describes as "the perfect storm".

“顯然, 9.11事件對全世界來說是個破壞性事件,而從小范圍來看,它嚴重打擊了我們公司,”陳納德說。

"Obviously, 9/11 was a devastating event for the world and on a parochial basis it hit our company very hard," he says.


The organisation was "traumatised" by the attacks and then watched the bottom drop out of its card business, as spending on business entertainment and travel tumbled. But Mr Chenault used the opportunity to speed up a restructuring programme he had initiated soon after taking over as chief executive in 2000.


His concern then was that while American Express enjoyed strong growth in the late 1990s, the US economy was likely to slow and the world was heading into a period of greater uncertainty. One aim was to increase the speed with which the group's slow-moving bureaucracy could respond to events. Decision-making was "re-engineered" so that processes previously done sequentially were carried out "in parallel".

據公司首席財務官加里•克里藤登(Gary Crittenden)稱,這番改變成效顯著,特別是在營銷方面:“過去我們在市場上進行一次推廣需要6個月,現在我們幾天就能做到。”

According to Gary Crittenden, chief financial officer, this has had a dramatic effect, notably in marketing: "It used to take us six months to get a promotion in the market. Now we can do it in a matter of days."


After September 11, the new nimbleness allowed the group to cut back quickly in response to poor market conditions. In the second half of 2002, it meant it could turn the marketing tap on fast when it saw an opportunity to take share from rivals. American Express had been carefully monitoring the level of direct mail being sent out by rivals because Mr Chenault thought some might be forced to cut back on spending to meet their targets even as the economy started to improve.


"As soon as we started to see that drop [in mailings] we started to pour in the money." As a result, Mr Chenault says American Express managed to expand its business much faster than many in 2003.


Group earnings, which halved in 2001, bounced back in 2002 and last year American Express comfortably met its long-term target of earnings per shares growth of 12-15 per cent and revenue growth of 8 per cent a year.


The group has managed to reduce its risk profile during the past few years by increasing card spending in areas other than travel and entertainment and by winding down the commercial lending side of its small bank.

但是,并非一切都很美好。美國運通財務顧問(American Express Financial Advisors)去年為集團貢獻了四分之一的利潤,但目前的表現仍令人失望。該集團通過一個由1.2萬名經紀人組成的網絡向中等收入客戶銷售共同基金與年金,但集團糟糕的投資業績,包括在垃圾債券上的重大損失,令上述銷售業務深受困擾。

Not that everything is rosy. The performance of American Express Financial Advisors, which provided a quarter of profits last year, is still disappointing. The selling of mutual funds and annuities to middle-income customers through a network of 12,000 brokers has been dogged by poor investment performance, including big losses on junk bonds.


Mr Chenault admits there is little cross-selling with the more upmarket card business and there have been persistent rumours that American Express would spin off the financial advisers' arm. However, last year's purchase of UK asset manager Threadneedle underlines Mr Chenault's determination to build the business by giving it more in-house products to sell.


Mr Crittenden says it could do more deals on the product side and would like to buy other brokers to build the network.

公司的經紀人網絡現與投資銀行集團摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)擁有的網絡規模大致相同。摩根士丹利的信用卡業務同樣表現欠佳。摩根士丹利有傳聞稱,其董事長兼首席執行官裴熙亮(Philip Purcell)樂意與美國運通合并,并最終把控制權交到陳納德先生手中。

Its broker network is roughly the same size as that owned by Morgan Stanley, the investment banking group, which also has an underperforming card business. Gossip at Morgan Stanley is that Philip Purcell, chairman and chief executive, would love to merge with American Express and eventually hand over the reins to Mr Chenault.


Though American Express seems to be doing well on its own some bankers think such a merger would make a good deal of sense. Whether Mr Chenault would want to return American Express to the "financial supermarket" model which proved so disastrous for it in the past is another matter.





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