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Germans are unwilling to spend

http://whmsebhyy.com 2004年02月12日 10:02 新浪財經


新年前夕,德國總理格哈特•施羅德(Gerhard Schroeder)向全國發表講話,他不同尋常地建議: 德國同胞應該以積極購物迎接2004年。他說:“國家的經濟命運大部分掌握在你們手中。”其實,他也許是在白費口舌。

When Gerhard Schroeder addressed the nation on New Year's eve, he had some unusual advice. His fellow citizens, he said, should start 2004 with some serious shopping: "The fate of the economy largely lies in your hands." He might as well have been talking to a wall.


A survey published last week by the GfK market research institute showed consumer sentiment in Germany had fallen again after a slight rebound in the second half of last year. This was followed by the publication of dismal December retail sales figures last Friday.


The problem is not new. After stagnating for two years, private consumption fell in 2002. In fact, households never really recovered from the reunification- induced boom of the early 1990s, with spending lagging behind the US for much of the decade.


Germans, on the other hand, have been putting an ever-larger share of their income aside, with savings rates reaching 10.5 per cent in 2002, almost three times the US level that year.


Occasional visitors could be forgiven for thinking parsimony is a typically German trait. With the exception of cars - whose price and performance define one's social standing - in almost all areas of life penny-pinching is considered a virtue.


Drop by Aldi or Lidl, the successful food discounters, on a Saturday morning and there are bound to be a few Porsches and Mercedes in the car park. Last year's greatest marketing success was the "thrift is cool" campaign run by Saturn, the consumer electronics arm of Metro, Germany's largest retail group.

“就連那些根本不必存錢的人也養成一種買便宜貨的心態,”曼海姆市場心理研究院主管蓋特•古特雅爾(Gert Gutjahr)說,“我把這種現象稱為‘聲援型’購物。這是他們滿足其社會良知的一種方式。”

"Even those who really do not need to be saving any money are developing a bargain-hunting mentality," says Gert Gutjahr, head of the Institute for Market Psychology in Mannheim. "I call it solidarity-shopping. It is a way to appease their social conscience."


For economists, however, frugality is not about national character but rationality. Unlike the rest of Europe, disposable income in Germany has stagnated in the past 10 years as wage increases were offset by rises in tax and social security contributions. Today Germany ranks 11 out of the 15 European Union states in terms of income per capita.

從上世紀90年代中期起,德國的失業率就以令人擔心的速度上升。與此同時,德國的家庭負債額也在增長,2000年達到頂峰,占可支配收入的112%,與美國當時的狀況類似。花旗集團的何塞•路易斯•阿爾索拉(Jose Luis Alzola)表示,盡管目前德國的利率水平處于歷史低點,但人們再也不像80年代那樣“借錢花”了。

Together with unemployment, which began rising alarmingly in the mid-1990s, household indebtedness also grew, peaking at 112 per cent of disposable income in 2000, similar to that in the US. Even though interest rates are at a historical low, people no longer "borrow to spend" as in the eighties, says Jose Luis Alzola of Citigroup.

摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的艾爾加•巴奇(Elga Bartsch)則認為:“在上世紀90年代,除英國以外,其他國家的儲蓄率都沒像德國下降的那么快。德國還有不少事要做。”

For Elga Bartsch, economist at Morgan Stanley: "There is no other country apart from the UKswheressavings rates fell so sharply in the nineties. There was some catching up to do."


Nor did the country experience a property boom of the kind that shielded UK and US consumers from the worst effects of the stock exchange crash. Even if it had, it is doubtful it would have helped. Comparatively few Germans own property and legal barriers and high fees make re-mortgaging - and cashing in on rising home values - almost impossible.

“人們對未來感到恐懼……他們預計自己的收入不會再以像樣的速度持續增長,”巴克萊(Barclays Capital)駐法蘭克福的托爾斯滕•波萊特(Thorsten Polleit)說。

"People are fearful about the future . . . they no longer expect their incomes to continue growing at a decent pace," Thorsten Polleit of Barclays Capital in Frankfurt, sums up.


The latest bout of consumer gloom is no different. As before, the concern surrounding Mr Schroeder's structural reforms is wholly rational, experts say. For many Germans, last year's healthcare, unemployment and pension overhaul have increased contributions and lowered benefits in the short term.

“我們今天看到的消費者信心減弱的局面,在很大程度上是由醫療保險改革的不確定性造成,”捷孚凱的羅爾夫•比爾克(Rolf Buerkl)說,“這場改革的好處尚未顯現,因此,人們把注意力集中在改革的負面影響上。”

"The deterioration in sentiment we see today can be pretty much explained by the uncertainties surrounding the health insurance reform," says Rolf Buerkl of GfK. "The benefits of the reform are not visible yet so attention focuses on the negative aspects."


Adjustments to Germany's generous welfare state are turning out to have a direct impact on the economy since nearly a third of average disposable income in the country comes from government transfers, a proportion that rises as incomes decrease.


It does not help that the 22bn (.7bn) tax cut originally envisaged by the government for 2004 had to be reduced by a third. A measure intended to help appease the pain caused by the reforms ended upshavingsthe opposite effect.

歐洲經濟研究中心(ZEW)的弗里德里希•海涅曼(Friedrich Heinemann)表示,對于普通工薪收入者來說,依照原來的減稅計劃,他們每月等于可增加約20歐元的收入。他說,減稅額下降的消息令人失望,并導致1月份的收入預期指標連續第五個月下降。

For average earners, says Friedrich Heinemann of the ZEW economic research institute, the tax cut will be worth around 20 a month. The disappointing cut helped drive income expectations down in January for the fifth month running, he claims.


The GfK poll shows a principal reason households are not spending is their waning faith in a recovery.


Nevertheless there remains a consensus that the reforms will help ensure Germany's longer-term prosperity.

德累斯登佳華(Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein)的丹尼埃拉•埃奇貝格(Daniela Etschbeger)表示同意:“每個人都知道必須改革。繼續推遲改革非常危險。政府只能硬著頭皮作出一些非常不受歡迎的決定。”

Daniela Etschbeger of Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein agrees: "Everybody knows reforms are necessary. It is dangerous to keep on postponing them. Governments just have to bite the bullet and take some very unpopular decisions."





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