如果肯德基(Kentucky Fried
Chicken)沒有雞,那么這家以家鄉雞而聞名的美國快餐連鎖企業還能提供什么呢?越南的消費者很快就能知道答案了。 |
What is US fast-food chain KFC - the
erstwhile Kentucky Fried Chicken - without the chicken? Vietnamese consumers are
about to find out. |
Vietnam's communist authorities have
banned the sale of poultry as part of efforts to control the deadly bird flu
that has devastated Asian chicken farms and killed eight people, mostly
children, in Vietnam and Thailand. |
KFC, one of the few fast-food chains
in Vietnam, has closed its eight restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City, the country's
bustling commercial centre, since thesgroupscame down. |
But in a bid to boost its battered
business, KFC is to reopen its Vietnamese outlets with an all-new fish menu,
even fish burgers. |
Brands)麾下的肯德基每月消耗3萬只雞,全部來自于當地農場。 |
Before the fowl crisis, KFC, a
subsidiary of Yum Brands, cooked about 30,000 chickens per month, all sourced
from local farms. |
But local sourcing of fish, if KFC
is so inclined, won't be much of a problem either. |
Giang)是越南最大的上市漁場。由于肯德基“以魚代雞”的舉措有望給該漁場帶來額外的生意,昨日,該漁場的股價上升了1.2個百分點。 |
Vietnam's biggest listed fishery, An
Giang, saw its shares gain 1.2 per cent yesterday at the prospect of the extra
business. |
And Vietnam has its own vast
export-oriented catfish industry, which increased its exports to the US from
m in 1999 to m in 2002. But that rapid growth came to a sudden halt when
Washington imposed heavy anti-dumping duties on Vietnamese catfish last year,
after a bitter trade battle that left a sour taste in Hanoi. |
Since then, Vietnam's catfish
industry, which involves farmers and processors, have been searching out new
markets, and also developing products to appeal to local tastes. |
Fried Catfish)。 |
The American chain could get a
serious public relations boost - perhaps even be awarded national hero status by
Hanoi - if it soon pronounces that its initials stand for Kentucky Fried
Catfish. |
譯者/胡新妍 |