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Law must honour the spirit of original contracts

http://whmsebhyy.com 2004年01月30日 11:20 新浪財經



Scandals at Enron, WorldCom, Tyco and now Parmalat have shaken the business world and prompted new laws and regulations. Unfortunately, these laws interfere with freedom of contract and there are strong reasons for thinking they will make things worse, not better.

設想一下,你創辦了一家公司,并希望公開上市。你必須既讓投資者相信這家公司會成功,又要讓他們相信內部人員不會竊取利潤。因此,你起草了一份公司章程,規定了各種各樣的保障條款。這就是你同股東間的合約。例如,該章程也許會明確說明一股一票,并禁止管理層對惡意收購采取防御性措施。或者,該章程也可能允許雙層股票(dual-class shares),以及防止并購的措施。

Imagine that you have founded a company and want to take it public. You have to convince investors not only that the company will be successful but also that insiders will not steal the profits. So you write a corporate charter that puts in place various safeguards: this is your contract with the shareholders. For example, the charter may specify one share one vote and prohibit defensive measures by management against hostile bids. Or the charter may permit dual-class shares and takeover defences.


Which is better? Suppose the founder wants to retire to the Riviera. Then the first "pro-shareholder" charter may be good: it leads to a high share price and makes the founder wealthy. But if the founder cares passionately how the company is run, the second "pro- management" charter may be good: shareholders will not pay as much for the shares but the founder will have control over the company's future.


Certainly there does not seem to be a strong argument for government regulation of the corporate charter at the "going public" stage. Most economists and lawyers believe in "freedom of contract": people should be allowed to write the contracts they like. But when the founder writes the initial charter, he cannot predict what the world will look like 50 or 100 years hence. To use the jargon of economists and lawyers, corporate charters are "incomplete contracts".


Questions about how to interpret such charters may end up before the courts. As hostile takeovers swept the US in the 1980s, scared managers and boards of public companies introduced new techniques, such as the "poison pill", to fight off hostile bidders. But did their charters allow them to use such techniques? It was left to the courts to decide. The Delaware courts, the most important in the US for corporate governance, ruled that poison pills were OK. Many people think this was a mistake. But the courts had demonstrated their important role in filling in the gaps of incomplete corporate charters.


So which laws and regulations are good and which are bad? In one type of intervention, the government disallows certain charter provisions or requires corporate charters to be changed in ways that contravene the spirit of the original charter. In the second type of intervention, the courts decide to interpret corporate charters in a new way.


The first type is like requiring all company charters to be pro- shareholder. It interferes with freedom of contract and is bad. The second type makes more sense. Courts have considerable discretion in how they fill in the gaps of incomplete corporate charters and there is no reason for them not to use their discretion as they want, perhaps to enhance efficiency.


Where does that leave recent laws and regulations? An important aim of both the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the US (together with new stock exchange rules) and the new code of corporate governance in the UK is to increase directorial independence and reduce conflicts of interest. For example, in the US, a majority of board members of listed companies must be independent and the company's auditors cannot provide consulting services for the company. In the UK, swheresthe rules are exhortatory rather than compulsory, one rule says the chief executive should not be, or go on to be, chairman. A second rule says half the board members of a major company should be independent.


Unfortunately, all these regulations fallsintosthe first category of intervention. There is no sign that company founders or initial investors ever intended such restrictions to be placed on their companies or boards. They override agreements enteredsintos voluntarily by founders and investors. None of them involves the interpretation of incomplete corporate charters.


It is, therefore, far from clear that laws passed hurriedly to "fix" an Enron or a Parmalat crisis are a good idea. They are likely to reduce efficiency because they interfere with freedom of contract. What is more, they are likely to increase legal costs, waste board time and deter future companies from going public.

作者是哈佛大學經濟學教授和倫敦經濟學院客座教授。本文選自作者的拉菲爾#馬蒂奧里(Raffaele Mattioli)系列講座第一講。

The writer is professor of economics at Harvard University and visiting professor at the London School of Economics. The article is drawn from the writer's first Raffaele Mattioli lecture





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