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Consumption boom of babyboomers

http://whmsebhyy.com 2004年01月29日 09:51 新浪財經


坐進最新款法拉利恩佐(Ferrari Enzo)跑車,你可能不大會注意到某些設計上的改動。這些改動是為身體發福、患有關節炎的養老金領取者所作的。恩佐售價66萬美元,能在不到四秒的時間內加速至每小時60英里,隨后達到217英里的最高時速,足以考驗任何心臟起搏器的極限。

Climb sintosthe latest Ferrari sports car and you are unlikely to notice the modifications designed with overweight, arthritic pensioners in mind. The ,000 Enzo can accelerate to 60mph in less than four seconds before reaching a top speed of 217mph - enough to test any cardiac pacemaker to the limit.


But the Italian carmaker is just one of many companies grappling with a demographic shift that challenges the fundamental rules of marketing and design. Outside the gates of its Maranello factory, the average age of consumers in Italy, as in much of Europe, is set to rise sharply as birth rates fall and affluent "baby boomers" live longer. Inside, engineers cherish a sporty product whose virile brand depends on images of youthful drivers hanging around Formula One racetracks.

F1車手邁克爾•舒馬赫(Michael Schumacher)及魯本斯•巴里切羅(Rubens Barrichello)都是30多歲,而與他們形成鮮明對照的是,法拉利跑車買主的平均年齡都接近50,而且這個年齡還會上升。汽車設計師對此作出回應,擴大了駕駛員的坐靠空間,并通過改變車門高度使他的膝蓋(他們幾乎都是男性)得以放松。這里的竅門在于絕不能讓人看出這種改變。

In contrast to F1 drivers Michael Schumacher and Rubens Barrichello, both in their thirties, the average buyer of a Ferrari road car is nearing 50 and set to get older. Car designers are responding by enlarging the space available for a driver's spreading backside, and sparing his knees (they are almost always men) with changes to the door height. The trick is that no one must be able to tell.

“我們客戶的體型意味著,我們必須注意實用性與功能性,同時又不犧牲運動性,”公司戰略營銷總監朱塞佩•博諾洛(Giuseppe Bonollo)說,“你可以選擇進行一些工程學上的調整,以方便進出,并增加內部空間。以法拉利恩佐的車門開啟方式為例,它可以讓車頂的一部分與車門的一部分一同展開,這樣就更容易進入汽車。”由于現代法拉利車的舒適度得到改進,因此現在車主的年均駕駛車程已達5000英里,比1990年的2500英里翻了一倍。

"The profile of our customers means we have to pay attention to practicality and functionality without compromising the sportiness," says Giuseppe Bonollo, strategic marketing director. "There are some engineering choices you can make which give you better accessibility and internal roominess. The way the doors open on the Ferrari Enzo, for example, allows part of the roof and part of the door undermoulding to come away as well, making it easier to enter the car." The improved comfort of a modern Ferrari means the average distance driven by its owner has doubled from 2,500 miles a year in 1990 to 5,000 miles today.

在大眾市場上,為上了年紀的消費者所作的改動就沒那么遮遮掩掩了。通用汽車(General Motors)最近首開先河,推出“Sit-n-Lift”電動座椅升降機,作為其小面包車的配件。福特(Ford)的設計師則借助“移情套裝”,來模擬關節炎、白內障或斜頸患者的駕駛操作,從而對門把手、儀表盤照明和其他裝置作了相應調整。

In the mass market, there is less disguising the modifications made for ageing consumers. General Motors recently pioneered a "Sit-n-Lift" motorised chairlift as an accessory on its minivans. Ford designers adapt door handles, dashboard lighting and other fittings with the help of an "empathy suit" to simulate driving with arthritis, cataracts or a stiff neck.


Yet the more explicit companies are about their consideration for ageing consumers, the more likely they are to fail. Nobody likes to be patronised or pigeon-holed and - more than perhaps any generation before - the people turning 60 this decade are unlikely to be attracted by products that remind them of their age.

盡管對汽車商具有吸引力,但對主流行業的許多領域、尤其是廣告業而言,賺老人的錢與其說是機會,不如說是威脅。西蒙•西爾維斯特(Simon Silvester)是市場傳媒公司揚雅(Young & Rubicam)駐倫敦的規劃總監。他寫了一份有爭議的行業調查報告,題為“你正在變老——歐洲的人口問題就是你的營銷問題”。

Although attractive to carmakers, grey money is seen as more of a threat than an opportunity in many parts of mainstream business, particularly advertising. Simon Silvester, a planning director at Young & Rubicam in London, is the author of a controversial industry study entitled: "You're Getting Old - Europe's Demographic Problem Is Your Marketing Problem".


The argument goes that companies have tended to target younger consumers, not out of prejudice or habit, but because they are most susceptible to the power of advertising and therefore willing to adopt new brands. "If you look at the history of US marketing, it is the history of the baby boom," he says. "Consumer goods companies have built their fortunes over the past 50 years by appealing to the tastes and needs of these young adults. Convenience foods, foam cleansers and aerosol deodorants - all would have failed as new product categories without the bubbling enthusiasm of young adults."


Yet the glory days are over. Three-quarters of Germans never change their bank, and the proportion of students who do so is falling fast. Women are extremely unlikely to switch their brand of sanitary protection after adolescence and European taste in alcoholic drinks tends not alter much beyond 35.


At its best, the idea is a backhanded compliment to discerning older consumers. They are more experienced and knowledgeable, so they do not become fashion victims. They are not as promiscuous, so they do not need to show off and they do not change their intimate habits as often. And they are less concerned with unnecessary product innovations because they realise there is more to life than foaming lemon bath-scrub.


At its worst, the idea shows that advertising executives seem to have concluded that older consumers are incapable of assimilating new ideas. They will always be slower than younger generations to adopt new technology or fashions and are more likely to stick to brands they know and trust.


Ad agencies and their clients take the argument seriously because it represents such a fundamental threat to the way companies attract customers, particularly those in the high-spending category of fast moving consumer goods. Brand loyalty and inertia among older consumers will make it almost impossible to grow the market share of new products by more than a couple of percentage points a year.


Worse still, argue those in adland, it could threaten capitalism entirely. But holes in the argument are apparent. Take the internet, for example. Online media and shopping sites usually cultivate a youthful image, yet older people have the most time to spend at their computers and far higher purchasing power. These "silver surfers" are a well-known consumer group, contradicting assumptions about technophobe over-50s.

今后五年內,嬰兒潮一代將開始大量退休,屆時真正的考驗就將來臨。雖然各公司剛剛開始改變策略,但大眾新甲殼蟲(Volkswagen Beetle)和寶馬(BMW)改良型迷你車(Mini)等“懷舊”產品出人意料地獲得了成功。這提醒設計師們,如果能設法吸引白發人市場,就可獲得潛在回報。

The real test will come when baby boomers start to retire in significant numbers over the next five years. Companies are only beginning to adapt their strategies, but the unexpected success of "nostalgia" products such as the new Volkswagen Beetle and BMW's revamped Mini has alerted designers to the potential rewards if they can find a way to appeal to the grey market.

Headlight Vision是“快速消費品”領域內幾家戰略咨詢公司之一,該公司的顧問勞拉•科倫索(Lara Colenso)說:“有人說,你無法向這個年齡群推銷東西,這種說法很荒誕。嬰兒潮一代仍然是最愛炫耀的群體,他們總想比別人先了解事物。最重要的是,他們不愿成為父母的翻版。”。

"It's a myth that you can't market to this age group," says Lara Colenso, a consultant with Headlight Vision, one of several strategic consultancies working in the 'fast moving consumer goods' sector. "Boomers are still the ultimate show-offs and they want to know about things before anyone else. Most of all, they don't want to turnsintostheir parents."





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