Asian companies
have done a good job, by and large, in cleaning up their balance
sheets in recent years. The same cannot be said of the region's
Not least because
these governments picked up so many corporate liabilities during
the last financial crisis, the average ratio of public debt to
gross domestic product has grown rapidly to 60 per cent for
Asia's 10 major economies, ex-Japan.
Only Hong Kong has
net reserves, while the ratios for Singapore and the Philippines
are more than 100 per cent. Japan's, meanwhile, is at an
eye-watering 160 per cent. And these figures do not include
contingent liabilities, such as the costs of cleaning up
national banking systems and unfunded health and pension
systems, which could be a further 30 per cent of GDP on average.
For a comparison:
Russia defaulted in 1998 when its debt-to-GDP ratio stood at 51
per cent, while Argentina collapsed more recently at 54 per cent
and Brazil at 42 per cent. The International Monetary Fund
argues that emerging market economies should not try to sustain
public debt-to-GDP ratios of more than 25 to 50 per cent.
Nor is the
increase in public borrowing solely down to the legacy of
1997/98. Profligate government spending is increasingly to
blame. Asia's economies, once the world's most fiscally
conservative, are now running budget deficits of nearly 3 per
cent of GDP on average, while Japan's is at more than 6 per
cent. It is ironic to note that only a handful would any longer
qualify for European Union entry under the Maastricht criteria.
Could this decline
in fiscal rectitude lead to another crisis? Happily, Asia has
some strengths that balance its weaknesses.
First, most of the
region's debt is in domestic currencies, held by domestic
investors. In other words, Asia owes the money to itself and, in
theory, its national central banks could crank up their printing
presses insgroupsto buy up these liabilities.
Second, the stock
of domestic money in Asia is very high. Broad money or M2-to-GDP
ratios vary from nearly 300 per cent in Hong Kong to about 100
per cent for most of the others - enormous levels by global
standards. This means that if public debt did have to be
monetised, the additional currency could probably be absorbed
without triggering hyperinflation.
Partly as a result
of the high monetary stock, both nominal and real interest rates
are very low, so governments can comfortably afford to pay the
interest on their borrowings.
Finally, the
region's exchange rates are mostly under pressure to appreciate,
which keeps portfolio inflows high (as investors gamble that
they can make up on the exchange rate what they lose in terms of
income) and thus rates low.
But these positive
factors may not persist forever. Low rates, for example, will be
harder to maintain once the US tightens monetary policy. And in
a year of multiple elections around the region, budget deficits
will certainly remain wide.
Certain countries
also look more exposed than others. UBS has put together a
"vulnerability index", which points to particular
danger in Japan, India, the Philippines and Indonesia. Throw in
contingent liabilities and rising structural deficits and China,
Taiwan and Malaysia creep on to the list. None of this means
another Asian financial crisis is imminent. But the seeds are
being sown - and sooner or later there will be a trigger.
Tung Chee-hwa's
annual policy address last week was the usual damp squib as far
as political reform is concerned. Nor did Hong Kong's chief
executive have many new thoughts to offer on the economy. Growth
was reviving, he confirmed, and after five years deflation was
finally on the way out - though it would take another 12 to 18
months to disappear completely.
For once, Mr Tung
may have been too pessimistic. If one looks at the year-on-year
change, the consumer price index is still showing a decline of
2.4 per cent for November 2003, the most recent figure. But
looking at the month-on-month numbers suggests that deflation
bottomed out last August. Since then, the CPI has been moving
steadily upwards.
Where does the
truth lie? The cyclical element of deflation is almost certainly
over. Hong Kong's economy has been recovering rapidly since the
Sars shock wore off last summer. Harder to gauge is the
structural component of deflation: the fact that closer
integration with the cheaper mainland places relentless downward
pressure on Hong Kong prices.
Even here,
however, there has already been an enormous adjustment. Take
property. House prices in the New Territories are now only 1.5
to two times those in neighbouring Shenzhen. That looks like a
sustainable premium when one considers that New York is four
times more expensive than New Jersey and offices in the City of
London cost twice as much as those in Canary Wharf.
Mr Tung's
government has plenty of things to worry about. But deflation is
no longer one of them.
Dan Bogler is the
FT's Asia news editor