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Six lessons from five years of monetary union

http://whmsebhyy.com 2004年01月07日 10:09 新浪財經


Europe's economic and monetary union is five years old this week, and it is too soon to tell what its long-term impact is likely to be. But for those countries, in Asia and elsewhere, discussing whether to set up their own monetary union, the euro's short history has produced a few early lessons.


A monetary union is primarily a political, and not an economic project. This is the most important lesson from the euro so far. Each member country will at some point be required to make political sacrifices. For example, members might face constraints on their fiscal policy. The economic consequences of the euro, if they exist at all, are far more difficult to prove. If you merely want exchange rate stability, forming a monetary union is definitely overkill.


Start off with an internal market before adopting a single currency. Europe's single market was far from complete when the euro was introduced, but at least it covered the vast majority of manufactured goods and many services. Without a single market, there is a greater risk that monetary union provokes economic divergence among its members. A single market can go ahead without a monetary union, but a monetary union without a single market would be risky. The Europeans made the mistake of failing to integrate financial markets first. One negative consequence is that monetary policy decisions are transmitted to various parts of the eurozone at different speeds.


Have a timetable. Do not just rely on economic criteria. If you really want to take part in a monetary union, say when you want to do it, and then create the necessary conditions for membership. Without their 1999 deadline, the Europeans would still be waiting to adopt the euro today.


There is only one necessary criterion for membership of a monetary union: convergence of inflation rates. Other financial criteria - debt or deficit ratios - are not critical for entry. Forget so-called "real" criteria, such as economic growth, employment, or business-cycle convergence. They are only useful if you need an excuse not to join. The UK's self-imposed five tests for membership fallsintosthis category. If you do not want a country to be part of your monetary union, say so outright. Don't hide behind criteria.


Adopt an intermediate currency regime. Most Asian currencies are pegged to the dollar. The currency of a large monetary union would normally be free-floating.


Of course, in the case of Asia, it might be possible to use the existing dollar pegs as the basis for determining future conversion rates. But as an interim step an exchange rate mechanism has some advantages: exchange rates can be tested before they are permanently fixed, and national central banks co-operate more closely during the interim period. One should not neglect such "soft" institutional and human factors, which underpin a successful monetary union.

    第五,不要讓央行過于獨立。這是歐洲人做錯的一點。歐洲中央銀行(European Central Bank)不僅能夠獨立地制定貨幣政策,而且還能自己選擇目標。如果財政部長有權設定通脹目標而讓歐洲央行來執行的話,歐洲可能就不會有那么多麻煩了。

Do not give excessive independence to the central bank. This is one of the elements that the Europeans got wrong. The European Central Bank is not only independent in the conduct of monetary policy but it can also choose its own targets. The Europeans would have saved themselves a lot of trouble if the finance ministers had been empowered to set a symmetric inflation target for the ECB to implement.


Forget about a stability pact and focus instead on the long-term sustainability of public finances, including pensions. Sustainability is a complex issue that cannot be reduced to a single number, such as a deficit ratio. Do not shy away from using qualitative criteria, even if they are not that easy to implement. It is better to have a soft rule that is roughly right than a hard rule that makes no economic sense. Be aware that policy co-ordination is an essential ingredient for a monetary union to work. Every member should accept that all aspects of economic policy - from expenditure and taxation to the regulation of financial, product and labour markets - are matters of common concern.


Of course, not all of Europe's problems with its monetary union apply to others. But those keen to set up the next monetary union ignore Emu's early lessons at their peril.





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