At the beginning of this year I
wrote one of the most misguided columns that the FT has ever published. There is
some competition for the title but mine, I think you will agree, is a pretty
strong contender. |
I confidently predicted that in 2003
the global supply of management cant would recede. I foresaw a year in which the
world of management would suddenly become sensible - in which companies would
stop brainstorming about their corporate DNA and concentrate on making money
instead. |
"As a sensible worker, I look
forward to 2003 as unglamorous and focused, productive and satisfying," I wrote.
What on earth was I on about? It is true the year has been unglamorous but so
has every year since I started working. The rest is just rubbish. |
Instead, what has happened in the
past year is that the variety of cant has shifted. As predicted, the Age of Fun
drew to a close; but all sorts of other cant has risen up to take its place.
In particular, this year we were
swamped by pseudo-emotional guff. It was the year when all fashionable leaders
talked from the heart. In July I singled out a memo from JP Morgan in which the
vice-chairman told his investment bankers to phone a client and tell them they
loved them. |
But last week I came across a
memo-from-the-heart sent to employees of a British company that is possibly the
worst example of the genre I have ever seen. It is a Christmas message from the
head of Sesame, an independent financial adviser. "One of our best friends sadly
lost their seven-year-old child to the flu yesterday," it began. "This brought
home to me the importance, particularly as we enter the Christmas season, to
expressly embrace one of Sesame's core values - to care." |
This is beyond dreadful. The sheer
ineptitude of trying to link the death of a child to the firm's values beggars
belief. The split infinitive is not great either. "I pray that this Christmas be
remembered not only for presents and joy, but also for each of us reaching out
to our families and the community in which we live in a caring manner," the memo
went on. |
I do not mind my boss telling me how
to do my job (actually I do mind a bit, though I accept it is his prerogative)
but I would mind very much if he started telling me how to behave to my family
and the community in which I live. There is no room for prayers in company
e-mails. If CEOs secretly want to be vicars, they should consider retraining
when they find themselves suddenly pushed out. |
圣誕節是說廢話的大好時機。全球最有頭腦的管理顧問公司Bain &
Christmas is a great time for guff
and this year's Christmas card from Bain & Co, one of the world's brainiest
management consultants, is my favourite example so far. The consultant has
chosen four homespun images of the seasons (child in fallen leaves, child builds
snowman, etc), and the message inside reads (all in lower case): |
“熱情洋溢在 |
"throughout the passion
各個季節, |
of the seasons |
成長,繁榮,慶祝, |
grow, prosper, celebrate
享受!” |
enjoy!" |
If I were a Bain client, I would
sack the firm on the spot. Consultants make their money by selling advice on
strategy, which is a serious matter and not compatible with soft ramblings on
the passing seasons. |
Management books went on being very
silly indeed this year. Spencer Johnson, MD, who wrote the extraordinarily banal
and still more extraordinarily successful Who Moved My Cheese?, is back in the
best-selling charts. The Present is what managers are busily buying for each
other this Christmas. The formula is the same - simplistic parable and hardly
any words to the page - but, in keeping with the fashion, the emotional volume
has been turned up. I opened the book at random and these were the only words on
the page: "When You Live And Work With Purpose, And Respond To what Is Important
Now, You Are More Able To Lead, Manage, Support, Befriend, And Love."
The only original thing in this is
that Johnson has shunned the lower case craze (which Bain should know is pass?by
now) and has instead chosen abundant use of the capital letter. Otherwise it is
guff par excellence - total gibberish. |
I came across much sensible stuff
this year, though some was sensible to a fault. Top prize goes to a security
consultancy called TPS Consult. It sent out a press release entitled "Security
and counter-terrorism measures in building design could become mandatory"swheres
it offered the following tips. |
“第一條準則:不要在室內放炸彈; |
"Rule number 1 - Keep bombs out of
buildings; |
第二條準則:讓炸彈盡量遠離建筑; |
Rule number 2 - Keep bombs as far
away as possible; |
第三條準則:遵照第一、第二條法則。“ |
Rule number 3 - comply with rules 1
& 2;" |
So if all else fails in the new
year, we all now know enough about bomb safety to get jobs in the security
business. |
And now I am going to come up with a
new theory, which is that the global supply of management cant is not going to
rise or fall next year or the year after or the one after that. The stock is a
constant. |
I feel the same way about my own
capacity for worry. The worries change but the capacity is fixed. If I have big
nasty things to worry about, they displace more benign worries such as why my
cutlery has suddenly gone a funny colour in the dishwasher. |
Guff will always fill the space
available, though some types are worse than others. This year's variety has been
particularly virulent: the emotional stuff offends not so much for its mushiness
but for its rank insincerity. My hostage to fortune for 2004 is that this sort
of guff has peaked and will recede. I do not know what form the new cant will
take but I hope that it will be easier to stomach. |
譯者/柏林 |