McDonough)認為,遭受丑聞玷污的會計行業可以向這些虔誠的教堂朝拜者身上學到許多東西。 |
William McDonough believes the
scandal-tainted accounting profession can learn a lot from the regular
church-goers of Atlanta, Georgia. |
The chairman of the US Public
Company Accounting Oversight Board, the world's most powerful accounting
regulator, argues that the quickest way for the profession to restore public
trust shattered by US business failures would be for accountants to ensure their
actions are consistent with moral principles. |
Mr McDonough, a Catholic, says his
stance went down well at a recent meeting with accountants in Atlanta,swhereshe
told them: "On the weekend, when you went to the church or synagogue of your
choice, you would have a bit of examination of your last week's performance, and
say: 'Has everything I have done in the last week been consistent with moral
principles?' I think if we all did that the confidence in the accounting
profession would come back sooner than anything else I think we could do."
He admits some people may scoff at
his statement, given that it is rooted in accountants getting their act
together, rather than regulators bringing them to heel. |
But Mr McDonough's moral stance
chimes with his pledge that the PCAOB will be "stern but sympathetic
supervisors". |
It is, perhaps, a high-risk
strategy, because it suggests that the PCAOB is not about to give the profession
a really hard time. Given the PCAOB was created by lawmakers following the Enron
and WorldCom scandals, with a mandate to guard against further accounting
abuses, Mr McDonough might have been expected to immediately turn the
profession's world upside down. |
Instead, he has issued a series of
appeals for better behaviour by accountants, coupled with some stern warnings
that he will punish any wrongdoing. |
His approach currently involves far
more carrots than sticks. Mr McDonough shows no appetite for the dismantling of
the multidisciplinary business model developed by the big four accounting firms
and Andersen, which was destroyed by the Enron scandal. |
During the 1980s and 1990s, the
firms enjoyed double-digit income growth by building up management consulting
operations, developing expertise in sophisticated tax planning and mergers and
acquisitions. |
Opponents of the multidisciplinary
model say it badly distracted accountants from auditing - their core work. They
claim accountants were transformedsintosaggressive business people who lost
sight of the public service values associated with audit. |
多領域模式的批評者不只限于學者、記者和政治家。 |
Critics of the multidisciplinary
model are not confined to academics, journalists and politicians. |
Volcker)一度試圖將安達信轉變為一家只提供審計服務的事務所,希望藉此挽救它的命運。 |
Paul Volcker, former chairman of the
US Federal Reserve Bank, tried briefly to save Andersen by turning itsintosan
audit-only firm. |
安永(Ernst &
Concerns about conflicts of interest
prompted Ernst & Young, KPMG and PwC to sell off their consulting operations
but all four big firms - the other is Deloitte - want to maintain their tax and
corporate finance practices. |
Mr McDonough says he is comfortable
with that, so long as the accountants are guided by moral principles.
He suggests it would be difficult to
achieve audit-only firms, given the big four firms are opposed to them, and says
that accountants should be allowed to run businesses. |
He will further please the big four
by signalling that he plans no early crackdown on their ability to do lucrative
tax work for audit clients. |
After advising them against further
marketing of aggressive tax shelter products to companies, Mr McDonough plays
down the prospect of the PCAOB quickly drawing up rules to prohibit tax work for
audit clients. |
“我認為,這不是委員會的優先考慮事項,”他說。 |
"I do not believe it is a high
priority for the board," he says. |
Mr McDonough, a former president of
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, is a self-confessed realist.
His pragmatism means he is focused
on attainable goals and he doubts the likelihood of full convergence between US
and international accounting rules, even though he supports the long-standing
goal. |
Noting strong opposition in some
European Union member states to international rules on derivatives, he says
convergence "may be one of those casesswheresthe perfect is the enemy of the
good". |
Nevertheless, he criticises the
rules-based style of US accounting and says it enabled devious minds to breach
the spirit, if not the letter, of the law. He hopes US accounting will become
more principles-based and hints that he supports controversial plans by the
Financial Accounting Standards Board, which writes the rules, for stock options
to be treated as expenses. |
Most of Mr McDonough's energies are
directed at the PCAOB's core responsibility to oversee auditors of public
companies, which it goes about doing with a m budget. |
The task has provoked a bitter
dispute with the EU because the PCAOB is charged with monitoring foreign as well
as domestic auditors if they work on companies with US share listings.
European auditors object to the
PCAOB's cross-border intrusionsintostheir affairs and fear they risk getting
dragged before the US courts if their work is deemed unacceptable.
Mr McDonough, who was a diplomat
during the 1960s, has used all his charm to placate the European Commission,
which led negotiations on behalf of EU auditors. |
A possible compromise between the
PCAOB and the commission, which was thrashed out in October, appears to hand
most of the success to Mr McDonough. For example, European auditors have failed
to obtain an exemption from the requirement to register with the PCAOB.
The work of European auditors on
companies with US share listings could be scrutinised by their home regulators,
rather than the PCAOB, so long as the monitoring is deemed robust enough. But
the concession is partly a reflection of the PCAOB's inability to do inspections
across the world because of finite resources. |
Meanwhile, Mr McDonough is getting
the results of the first inspections of domestic auditors. The big four firms
volunteered to have their US businesses subjected to limited inspections by
PCAOB staff this year, ahead of full inspections that start next May.
Mr McDonough says initial feedback
from the inspections suggests the tone at the top of the firms, about the
importance of quality audit, is filtering down to middle and junior ranks.
He defends arrangements, established
by the law- makers, that enable accounting firms to escape public exposure of
their shortcomings so long as remedial action is taken within one year of
inspections, and says it provides a powerful incentive to ensure good behaviour.
Today, the PCAOB gets plaudits for
its work but Mr McDonough knows that another set of scandals could force it to
ditch its sympathetic stance with the profession and embark on a full crackdown.
The public, including the
church-goers of Atlanta, might then accuse the PCAOB of acting too late. "Would
there be people who will say if you were a lot tougher than you were these would
not have happened?" he says. "They may or may not be right by the way but people
will be unkind." |
譯者/曹湘穎 |