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http://whmsebhyy.com 2003年07月13日 13:52 新浪財經


















  HONG KONG, July 10: The Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong SAR and the Organizing Committee of China International Fair for Investment and Trade (Hereinafter referred to as the CIFIT) hosted a press conference for the 7th CIFIT in Hong Kong today. Mr. Zhang Jian, Deputy Secretary General of both the Organizing Committee and Fujian Provincial Government, presided the conference. Mr. Liu Yajun, Deputy Director General of Foreign Investment Promotion Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, Mr. Zhang Changping, Mayor of Xiamen City, Ms. Huang Lin, Vice Mayor of Xiamen and representatives of Hong Kong Trade Development Council were present at the Conference. Mr. Liu Shanzai, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong SAR, attended and addressed the Conference. This conference is co-sponsored by Hong Kong Trade Development Council,The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce,Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce,The Chinese Manufactures’Association of Hong Kong,Federation of Hong Kong Industries and The Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association.

  Mr. Liu Yajun, Deputy Director of Foreign Investment Promotion Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, introduced four features of the CIFIT as the following:

  First, the function of investment promotion improves gradually, internationalization becomes increasingly outstanding.More international organizations will take part in organizing work of the 7th CIFIT. As co-sponsors of the CIFIT, Conference on Trade and Development of United Nations (UNCTAD) will release WORLD INVESTMENT REPORT during the CIFIT from this year on, and World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) will hold Seminar on Transnational Operation of Chinese Enterprises.More countries, including UK, Canada and countries from Caribbean Sea Region, will carry out“Pavilion Day”activities or Specific economic and trade activities during the 7th CIFIT.Second, the International Investment Forum and every specific seminar have a high authority, released policies are fairly opportune.

  The theme for the "International Investment Forum" of 7th CIFIT is "Improving investment environment and creating international competitive advantage". Chinese state leaders, celebrities from foreign political community, international economic organizations, economic community and enterprises community will attend and give speeches. At that time, the UNCTAD will release WORLD INVESTMENT RPORT to disclose latest information of international capital flow trend. Furthermore, more than thirty specific seminars will be held during the 7th CIFIT.Third, the exhibition focuses on the two themes as“Introducing in”and“Going global”, which will further improve specialization and practicality of the CIFIT.

  The 7th CIFIT will set up four pavilions, including investment promotion pavilion for member units, overseas pavilion, investment service pavilion, and pavilion for famous enterprises. Of which the first two pavilions with the most abundant contents and functions are the most important contents of the whole exhibition. The investment promotion pavilion for member units will centralize in showing investment environment, investment policy and investment absorption programs in various regions. The overseas pavilion mainly invites intermediate institutions, transnational companies and various overseas manufacturers, such as governments of various countries and regions or semi-governmental investment promotion institutions, international investment promotion institutions, international economic organization, foreign friendship cities and foreign commercial organizations and so on. The investment service pavilion will give prominence to investment service function with such three parts as exhibition area for logistics and related industries, exhibition area for network information and intermediate institutions, exhibition area for institutions of financial, securities and insurance. The pavilion for Famous enterprises is dividedsintosthree areas, including an exhibition area for large and famous enterprises, an exhibition area for up-growing small and medium-sized enterprises and an exhibition area for high-technology and patented products.Fourth, matchmaking symposiums for foreign investment projects and symposiums for relating special fields will be new highlights of the 7th CIFIT.

  The 7th CIFIT will hold several specialized symposiums. Among the symposiums,“Matchmaking Symposium for Foreign Investment Projects in China”is on the theme of infrastructure, merge and acquisition of enterprises, electronic information, modern logistics, trade in service, modern manufacturing industry and agricultural industrialization. In the symposiums, foreign investors will take with their programs to talk with domestic dealers. Up to now, more than ten foreign investors from Italy, Australia, and Norway have sent applications for participation. Furthermore, the 7th CIFIT will also hold several specialized one-to-one symposiums.

  Mr. Liu Yajun expressed, after China initially triumphed over the SARS epidemic, the CIFIT of this year is an important move of the interior of China to absorb foreign investment and make investment overseas in the post-SARS period. It will show to the world that the Chinese government has the ability in containing and defeating such an unexpected epidemic, and it is still safe to invest in China.Mr. Zhang Changping, Deputy Director of the Organizing Committee of the CIFIT and Mayor of Xiamen City, laid heavy stress on introducing the relevant preparation work of the CIFIT in the Conference.Mr. Zhang Changping said that the Organizing Committee has extensively invited foreign government departments, intermediate institutions, and multinational companies in various ways to participate the fair. The promotion work goes smoothly, and most exhibition booths have confirmed. As the organizer, Fujian Provincial Government and Xiamen Municipal Government have attached highly importance on the preparation work of this session of the CIFIT. To do well in every affairs and security guarantee, especially in light of the requirement of SARS prevention, Xiamen City has formulated rigorous prevention measures to ensure health and safety of participants.The 7th CIFIT, that will be held from September 8th through 11th in Xiamen City, is sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, co-sponsored by the UNCTAD and WAIPA, and organized by Fujian Provincial Government and Xiamen Municipal Government and Foreign Investment Promotion Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce. The CIFIT is the sole nation-wide investment promotion event with a stress on foreign direct investment (FDI). Local governments throughout China, as well as relevant state ministries, commissions and associations have taken part in organizing work and will organize 45 delegations to participate in the Fair.

  ---- THE END ---


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