美國排行榜之星---惠威Diva6.1 | ||
http://whmsebhyy.com 2003年03月10日 14:50 新浪財經 | ||
My most wanted component for this year is the Swans Diva 6.1 Loudspeaker. It takes a lot of performance to keep me happy, and the Divas have it in spades. As I found in my review, their performance is on par with speakers costing many times more. They are very dynamic, can go from soft to loud to soft quickly and with ease and they are extended at both frequency extremes, allowing me to easily hear bass in the low 20 Hz range. I can also hear the air surrounding the high 美國《StereoTimes——The 2002 StereoTimes Most Wanted Components》Rick SiegertJuly 2002 2002年《立體聲時代》最喜愛產品 我期盼今年的“排行榜之星”是Swans Diva 6.1音箱。Swans Diva 6.1音箱在最大程度上對性能的良好展現,令我欣喜若狂。通過我發表的評論中可以看到Diva 6.1所具有的性能和其價格相比較絕對是超值的。Diva 6.1的動態凌厲,整個柔軟輕滑到震撼響亮過度的過程顯得如此迅速流暢,每個頻段都發揮到最佳極端,很輕易就讓我享受到接近到20 Hz范圍內的低頻厚重效果。同樣我還能感覺到高音單元范圍內的空氣環繞流動感。聲音平衡度較佳,完全無干澀、沉悶或失聲之效果。它們的外形制造工藝精致美觀,用指關節輕輕敲擊其箱體,可以感覺到箱體的堅固,使人滿意。音箱重量適度,每只重72 lbs,可以根據我的需要任意移動它,但是必須保證音箱四周擁有足夠的空間。Diva 6.1音箱屬于極品,質量一流,整個外形高貴典雅,聲音純美。 美國《立體聲時代》Rick Siegert7月2002