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http://whmsebhyy.com 2004年11月23日 20:48 新浪財經






  Oracle D2K Developer 程序員 1名

  Job Specification:

  1. Develop, implement and support Oracle RDBMS-based insurance

  administration system, prepare implementation

  and operational documentation

  2. Interpret business requirement, prepare functional specification and

  program specification

  3. Perform accurate programming work according to program specification

  Experiences and Skills Requirement:

  1. Two years relevant working experiences in Oracle RDBMS-based system

  development, preferably in the life

  insurance industry.

  2. Strong analytical and problem solving skills

  3. Solid skill on common SQL development tools.

  4. Familiar with one of following technologies will be a plus: Form 9i,

  Report 9i, 9iAS, Oracle Database 9i,

  JavaScript, EJB, XML, J2EE

  5. Good interpersonal & communication skill

  6. University graduates in Computing Studies or equivalent

  Operation Analyst 操作分析員 1名

  Job Descriptions:

  1. Manage nation-wide centralized production database, to ensure

  production database are secured, healthy and aligned with

  the fast business growth of MSL in China

  2. Monitor production database, conduct capacity planning,

  performance tuning and other routine database administration

  tasks, which include DB creation, user security setup, performance

  monitor, backup, recovery, test & development DB

  preparation and other daily, weekly, monthly administration monitor


  3. Working with application development team for DB object

  creation, program source check in / out and production

  new release

  4. Manage nation-wide computer networking and server resources to

  well support company’s business objectives;

  Be responsible for the company day to day IT system operations

  5. Maintain wide area network (WAN) cross China to ensure that all

  branch offices and location offices can be well

  connected. Manage and maintain local area network (LAN) and servers,

  to ensure all production systems running under

  good condition. Data are well backed up and restorable


  1. At least 4 years’ working experience as an Oracle DBA on Unix

  Platform in multinational company.

  2. Sounds knowledge and skill of Unix shell programming and system


  3. Knowledge in Oracle Developer (Forms and Report) is preferable

  4. Solid PL/SQL skills

  5. Oracle DBA Certificate or Developer Certificate preferred

  6. Strong technical background of Cisco router and switch setting.

  CCNP is preferred.

  7. Familiar with Windows 2000 server and Windows 2003 Server,

  System Management Server, TCP/IP Networking and/or Unix platform, MCSE is must.

  8. Experience on WAN infrastructure design and implementation is an

  added asset.

  9. Knowledge of network security setting, firewall management and


  10. Storage area network (SAN) management experience is preferable.

  客戶服務部高級助理 2名







  *熟練應用Microsoft Office




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