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智利金屬:Cerro Colorado工會拒絕BHP公司提議http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年02月05日 10:05 文華財經
文華財經(綜合編譯 劉娜)--據圣地亞哥2月2日消息,必和必拓公司(BH P Billiton)旗下位于智利北部的Cerro Colorado銅礦工會領導人表示,在公司管理層新的合約未能達到他們的預期后,工人計劃發動罷工。 工會領導人Jose Galaz拒絕透露新提議的詳細內容,不過他表示工會已經拒絕了該提議,這個工會擁有556名工人。 “我們準備罷工,盡管這一協議需要在周日經由我們工人同意,但很清楚的是我們即將舉行罷工。” Galaz表示罷工定于下周三開始。 本周稍早,Cerro Colorado工人投票
Galaz said the strike was due to start next Wednesday. Earlier this week, Cerro Colorado workers voted overwhelmingly to reject a contract offer from London- and Sydney-listed BH P, which entailed a 2.0 percent pay rise. The company then asked for five more days to reach agreement, as it is entitled to do under Chilean labor law. The union has demanded a pay increase of 7.8 percent to reflect the rise in copper prices since the last contract was negotiated three years ago. Cerro Colorado produces some 115,000 tonnes of copper per year, or about 2.1 percent of Chile's total output. Last year, workers at BH P Billiton's Escondida copper mine, the world's largest, also in northern Chile, staged a 25-day strike.
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