DJ Philippine 07 Corn Output Likely +4% At 6.24M MT -Ag Dept
MANILA (Dow Jones)--Philippine corn output in 2007 is likely to rise 4% to 6.24 million metric tons against a projected record high of 6 million tons t
his year, the Department of Agriculture said Friday.
This is expected to be achieved through the use of hybrid seeds including genetically modified Bt corn seeds, it said.
Agriculture Secretary Domingo Panganiban said the targeted increase also hinges on favorable weather conditions.
This year's projected output of 6 million tons, up around 14% from last year's 5.3 million tons, would come from a 5% increase in planting areas and an 8% improvement in yield, said Panganiban, due to the use of hybrid and Bt corn seeds.
Corn output for the first half of 2006 surged 32% on year, reaching 2.6 million tons. Harvest area in the first six months of the year expanded 13% as improved weather conditions led many farmers to shift back to planting corn.
In 2005, farmers shied away from planting corn to avoid the ill-effects of an El Nino induced drought.
Corn production for the second half of the year is expected to reach 3.4 million tons, or 4% higher from the same period last year.
"The increase (in second-half output) will come mainly from an expected 3.4% improvement in yield," Panganiban said.