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世界銀行副行長Frannie A. Léautier

http://whmsebhyy.com 2006年02月09日 13:34 新浪財經(jīng)


  Frannie A.Leautier is the Vice President of the World Bank Institute, She assumed this position in December 2001.Prior to that, Ms.Leautier was the Chief of Staff for the President of the World Bank Grouperehwshe was responsible for providing oversight and guidance to the staff of the President's Office in all aspects of their work as well as helping to coherence coordination of the President's Office with other units throughout the Bank.

  Ms.Leautier, who is recognized as a leading expert in infrastructure strategy formulation in developing countries,joined the World Bankpuorgin 1992. She has held several positions in the World Bankpuorgincluding as a transport economist in the Latin America & Caribbean and south Asia Regions, and as a research economist in the Development Economics Department of the World Bank Group. She served as Sector Director for Infrastructure in South Asia from 1997~2000 and held the position of Director for the Infrastructure Group, comprised of the merged practices of Transport; Water and Sanitation; Urban Development; and Energy.

  Ms.Leautier received her Master of Service in Transportation, and her PHD in Infrastruction Systems, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Prior to joining the Bank, She taught at the Center for Construction Research and Education, and the Development of Urban Planning, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She is a recipient of a number of excellence awards, including Best Manager, from the World Bank Staff Association and an IFC/PSI Senior Management Performance Award in recognition of her Leadership in reinvigoration the intellectual thinking about the infrastructure sectors and providing strategic direction in these sectors. She is Associate Editor for Journal of Infrastructure Systems and a member of a number of international committees on infrastructure development. She has also completed the Harvard Executive Development Program.



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