Japanese economy is back. Or so optimists believe. But we have been here
before, in the brief recoveries of 1992, 1997 and 2000. That is a good
reason for scepticism. But there is something even more telling about this
recovery than that: it is happening more because Japan has not reformed
than because it has.
us start with the good news: the economy has now enjoyed seven successive
quarters of economic growth. According to the latest economic survey of
Japan from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,
gross domestic product is set to rise by 2.7 per cent this year. Next
year, growth could be 1.8 per cent.
proximate causes of this recovery are traditional. In 2002, exports grew
by 8.1 per cent. With imports rising by only 2 per cent, net exports
increased by 0.7 per cent of GDP. This offset the decline in domestic
investment, to generate modest economic growth. Then, in 2003, private
non-residential investment picked up sharply, with growth forecast at 10.3
per cent. This has combined with growth in net exports of 0.5 per cent of
GDP to deliver satisfactory overall growth.
I wondered during a recent visit, would this story look in Tokyo? Confused
is the answer. The debate remains as divided as before between
"supply-siders", who emphasise microeconomic reform, "bank-siders",
who emphasise the need to recapitalise the banks, and "demand-siders",
split, in turn, between monetarists, who demand more money, and fiscalists,
who recommend bigger fiscal deficits. But two points seem to be widely
agreed, at least among the insiders: first, the external sector is proving
a great boon; second, the Bank of Japan has moved from being part of the
problem towards being part of the solution.
points are right. Exports rose at a 12 per cent annual rate during the 18
months through mid-2003. A third of the increase in exports over that
period was to Asian markets, led by China. Similarly, the prevarication of
the Bank of Japan under Masaru Hayami, its former governor, has gone.
Under its new management, the bank is committed to sustaining zero
interest rates and quantitative monetary easing until the majority of
board members forecast above-zero inflation.
bigger current account surplus and a more aggressive monetary policy are
necessary conditions for ending the Japanese malaise. Japan needs to
export more of its surplus private savings. It also needs inflation, to
reduce the overhang of domestic debt. But the changes so far are
( 經濟體中價格變動的最廣泛衡量尺度 ) 下降了1.7%。根據OECD的預測,2003年還將再下降2.5%。更有甚者,根據OECD的預報,顯著的產出缺口
,以及由此形成的持續的通縮壓力 , 將至少持續到2005年。
current account surplus is still about 3 per cent of GDP, which is far too
small to mop up the country's excess of private savings over current (let
alone equilibrium) levels of private investment. Similarly, monetary
policy is still not aggressive enough to end the deflation that has been
under way since the mid-1990s. The GDP deflator - the broadest measure of
price changes in the economy - fell by 1.7 per cent last year. According
to the OECD, it is set to fall by another 2.5 per cent in 2003. Moreover,
the OECD forecasts a significant output gap - and so persistent
deflationary pressure - at least until 2005.
are not the only reasons for doubt, however. Those who argue that the
country faces structural handicaps are right. It is just that they usually
fail to identify them correctly, since they are more macroeconomic than
microeconomic. Among the most significant features is a corporate sector
that invests far too much. For this reason the present recovery, which is
built, as usual, on a surge in private investment, rests on sand.
& Co的安德魯•史密瑟斯(Andrew Smithers)更為透徹。如圖表所示,日本的企業投資占GDP的份額一向高于美國。但過去十年來美國經濟每年以超過3%多一點的增長率穩步前進,而同期日本經濟僅以略高于1%的年增長率蹣跚而行。
Smithers, of London-based Smithers & Co, has done more than anybody
else to explain how peculiar the behaviour of the Japanese corporate
sector is. As the chart shows, the share of corporate investment in
Japanese GDP has been consistently higher than in the US. Yet the US
economy has been growing at a little over 3 per cent a year over the past
10 years, while Japan's has limped along at just over 1 per cent.
US labour force is also growing at about 1 per cent a year, while the
Japanese labour force is shrinking at 0.5 per cent a year. Both of these
are reasons for expecting corporate investment to be substantially higher
in the US than in Japan. If both economies were equally competitive and
open to international capital markets, that would be the case. The
evidence shows they are not.
it takes almost three times as much capital to produce an additional unit
of GDP in Japan as in the US, Japanese returns on capital must be much
lower, probably less than half. This might cease to be the case if, as the
supply-siders believe, aggregate productivity growth were to rise far more
quickly than in the US. That is not inconceivable, since Japan's output
per hour is only 70 per cent of US levels. But no sign of such a
renaissance can be seen. On the contrary, the growth of labour
productivity has been falling in the past decade, to below 2 per cent a
變為負數的5% (見圖表)。
then does investment remain so stubbornly high? One reason is that the
unreformed Japanese corporate sector is indifferent to returns to
shareholders. Another is that profitability is mismeasured, because of the
failure to understand the implications of deflation. Under deflation, real
interest rates are higher than nominal ones. For a highly indebted
corporate sector, this makes a huge difference to returns on equity.
Adjusted for changes in asset prices, for example, the return on equity
moves from plus 5 per cent to minus 5 per cent (see chart).
implication of this analysis is that, to the extent that this recovery
lasts, it can only be because Japanese companies continue to waste
capital. It is, in other words, only because Junichiro Koizumi, the prime
minister, has made so little difference to the operations of Japan Inc
that an investment-led recovery is under way. But it is unlikely to last,
for the same reason. Losing money is not a sound long-run proposition even
for a corporate sector as well-shielded from capital markets as the
is happening at the moment is business as usual. Japan is benefiting from
growth overseas, together with successful management of the domestic
symptoms of its disease. That is certainly less painful than treatment.
But Japan is as far from a cure as ever.