rates are not the only things that are floating freely in currency markets
these days. Also bobbing around are many erroneous beliefs about the most
desirable - and indeed the actual - currency policies for Asia's
economies. As the US trade deficit grows, debate is hotting up on whether
the main Asian currencies should be made to appreciate or to adopt more
flexible exchange rates.
The truth is
that there is no "one size fits all" solution. Each country has
to assess its level of economic development and degree of integrationsintos
international financial markets. It must also consider the status of its
foreign exchange market together with the openness of its capital markets.
In the case
of South Korea, currency policy has evolved in line with its economic
development and, in particular, with capital market liberalisation. During
the 1980s, the government set the rate with reference to a basket of
currencies, and later moved to a market-average system. After the 1997
financial crisis, the currency was allowed to float freely. Rigid exchange
rates, which had long overvalued the won, were identified as one of the
main reasons for the crisis. It was a lesson that Seoul will not soon
adopting the free-floating exchange rate, South Korea's government has
given up intervening in the foreign exchange market. It has no target
range for the won and has been respecting the market's supply-and- demand
However, the
South Korean foreign exchange market does not always function as well as
it should. The market, which has a daily trading volume of bn-bn,
often invites herd behaviour. When big currencies fluctuate, it is
vulnerable to speculative transactions that take little account of
economic fundamentals. When such transactions bring steep movement in
exchange rates, the government steps in to perform a smoothing operation.
following a sharp fall in the won, some have voiced suspicions that the
government has been intervening to keep the won weak against the dollar or
the yen. In fact, the decline was triggered by demand for the dollar from
speculators trying to cover large short positions in that currency.
A look at the
figures makes clear that Seoul has not been pursuing an interventionist
policy. Among Asia's main currencies, the won has shown the highest
volatility against the yen this year, appreciating 9 per cent between the
end of July and the end of October. Since the beginning of last year, it
has risen 11 per cent against the dollar, the highest appreciation of all
the main Asian currencies bar the yen. Takingsintosaccount inflation from
January 2002 to September 2003, the won has appreciated by 13.8 per cent
in real terms, compared with 12.7 per cent for the yen.
South Korea
accounts for only 2.2 per cent of America's total trade deficit from
January to August this year. That compares with 22.1 per cent for China
and 12.4 per cent for Japan. As of August, South Korea's trade surplus
with the US has fallen sharply, recording a 5.3 per cent year-on-year
decline according to US data. These figures hardly support the assertion
that South Korea manipulates its exchange rates.
The present
global trade imbalance reflects a structural, system-wide problem. It is
not just a consequence of exchange rates that have failed to keep pace
with global economic development. Exchange rate adjustment alone will not
yield a solution.
trade deficit and low interest rates have pressed down the dollar since
early 2002. The decline is also associated with a drop in purchases of
corporate securities and direct investment. Should the dollar's value
continue to be unstable, Asian countries will tilt towards the euro in
replenishing their foreign exchange reserves. The dollar's global
pre-eminence would be threatened, as would America's status as the world's
financial centre. Furthermore, if Asian economies slow because of a weak
dollar, US service industries will be hit hard, since Asian economies are
their main customers.
The world's
big economies have already - through regional co-operation and
liberalisation of trade and capital flows - crossed the point of no return
in globalisation. "Beggar thy neighbour" policies will lead us
nowhere. Instead, we need to strengthen policy co-ordination among the
main economies and to increase trade and capital movement. That way the
whole world can win. The writer is South Korea's deputy finance minister
for international affairs