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2012年11月19日 14:32  新浪財經 微博


  Caijing Magazine   

  One of China's most widely-read finance and economics magazine with China's most influential readership. It pays close attention to reforms in the Chinese economic system and the process of its modern market economy, offering sharp observations and follow-ups of major initiatives in China's economic reform, important trends in government decisions and events at the center of the market's attention. It is known for its unique, exclusive and authoritative insight。


  China Assoclation For International Friendly Contact   

  Established in Beijing in December 1984 and registered at the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China, it is a social organization that engages in international and regional non-governmental friendly exchanges. It adheres to the objectives of "promoting international non-governmental friendly exchanges and cooperation and promoting world peace and development". It actively develops friendly exchanges and has established and developed friendly relations and cooperation with more than 60 countries and regions in politics, economics, social, cultural and other fields。


  Beijing Charity Gala Ball   

  The Beijing Charity Gala Ball was founded in 2003. Since inception, it has collaborated with China Charity Federation, China Disabled Persons‘ Federation, China Foundation for Disabled Persons, Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and Chinese Youth Volunteers Association. Its theme changes annually and has raised charity proceeds from 2003 to 2011 in the form of charity dinners under the "Beijing Charity Gala Ball" brand. In addition to the charity dinner, mega charity performances was held in 2008 and 2009 as well. State leaders and individuals from the fields of culture, art and sports as well as the corporate world lent their support in the form of purchasing dinner seats and charity auctions. To date, the event has been held over nine years, raising a total of RMB293 million, which consisted of RMB106.51 million in cash and RMB186.07 million in kind. It has benefited 172,000 persons in the country with disabilities and provided strong support to their rehabilitation, education, culture, publishing and sports careers。

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