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http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年06月24日 17:21  新浪財經

  Questionnaires for General Public


  Note: This survey is about[COMPANY]. We are interested in your personal opinion. Please answer how youperceive the company. Please rate the company based on what you have seen orheard even though your rating is based on little information。


  Reputation Institute’sresearch indicates that a well-regarded company is more likely to be liked,trusted, admired, and esteemed –hence we define reputation in terms of 4 attributes that we call the RepTrak™ Pulse. We’ve also found that corporate reputations arebuilt on 7 Dimensions and a numberof Attributes that support thosedimensions。


  The Reputation Pulsequestionnaire is a survey that invites respondents to describe theirperceptions of companies. Through rigorous modling and analysis, ReputationInstitute connects the Reputation Dimensions and Attributes with the ReputationPulse scores as well as with a measure of overall public support, in order toidentify the drivers of corporate reputation. Doing so enables companies tounderstand what matters to the general public。




  主辦機構:信譽研究院(中國) & 中華(海外)企業信譽協會

  顧問機構: 香港理工大學中國商業中心

  Part 1. Reputation Pulse

  第一、 信譽脈動

  Please consider each of thefollowing statements and select a number from “1” to “7” where “1” means “Istrongly disagree” and “7” means “I strongly agree”。

  請考慮以下各陳述。 選擇1至7范圍內的一個數字。“1”表示“我強烈不同意”;“7”表示“我強烈同意”。

  1. Is a company I have a good feeling about

  是一家我有好感的公司 。評分:              

  2. Is a company that Itrust

  是一家我能信任的公司 。評分:              

  3. Is a company that Iadmire

  是一家我欽佩的公司 。 


  4. Is a company that I respect

  是一家我尊重的公司     評分:              

  Part 2. Reputation Dimensions

  第二、 信譽緯度

  Please consider each of thefollowing statements and select a number from “1” to “7” where “1” means “Doesnot describe well” and “7” means “Describes very well”


  1. Offers high qualityproducts & services

  提供高質量的產品及服務                    評分:              

  2. Is an innovative company

  是一家創新型公司                          評分:              

  3. Treats its employeeswell

  善待企業員工                              評分:              

  4. Is a good corporatecitizen

  是一家良好的企業公民                      評分:              

  5. Is a responsible company

  是一家負責任的公司                        評分:              

  6. Is a company with strongleadership

  是一家領導力強的公司                      評分:              

  7. Is a high-performancecompany in terms of financial results

  是一家財務績效的公司                      評分:              

  Part 3. Reputation Attributes

  第三、 信譽屬性

  Please read each of thefollowing statements and select a number from “1” to “7” where “1” means “Doesnot describe well” and “7” means “Describes very well”。

  請閱讀以下各陳述。請在1 至7的范圍內選擇一個數字,“1”表示“描述得不好”,“7”表示“描述得很好”。

  1. Offers high qualityproducts and services

  提供高質量的服務                                        評分:               

  2. Produces products thatperform the way as promised

  生產名符其實的產品                                      評分:              

  3. Provides products thatlead the way from an environmental perspective

  產品在環保方面處于領先地位                              評分:              

  4. Provides products thatset industry trends

  產品引領行業發展趨勢                                    評分:              

  5. Adapts quickly to change

  能迅速適應變化                                          評分:              

  6. Is committed tocontinually advancing its products

  致力于持續提升產品                                      評分:              

  7. Treats its employeeswell

  善待公司員工                                            評分:              

  8. Offers equalopportunities in the workplace

  在職場內提供均等機會                                    評分:              

  9. Is a great place to work

  工作場所極好                                            評分:              

  10. Is open and transparentabout the way the company operates

  公司經營開放及透明                                      評分:              

  11. Behaves ethically

  遵守職業倫理                                            評分:              

  12. Is a fair businessplayer

  公平交易                                                評分:              

  13. Is committed to foodsafety

  致力于保護食品安全                                      評分:              

  14. Runs its business in asocially responsible manner

  基于社會責任的方式經營企業                              評分:              

  15. Cares about theenvironment

  關心環保                                                評分:              

  16. Is well organized

  組織有序                                                評分:               

  17. Has excellentmanagement

  管理卓越                                                評分:              

  18. Has a clear vision forits future

  愿景清晰                                                評分:              

  19. Has a strong andappealing leader

  擁有強有力和吸引力的領袖                                評分:              

  20. Shows strong prospectsfor future growth

  顯示出未來發展前景極佳                                  評分:              

  21. Appears financiallysound

  財務狀況表現良好                                        評分:              

  22. Has a track record ofsuccess

  擁有過往成功業績                                        評分:              

  Part 4. Supportive Behavior

  第四、 支持性行為

  The following statementsare about the attitudes or behaviors you might have toward [COMPANY]. Pleaseselect a number from “1” to “7” where “1” means “I strongly disagree” and “7”means “I strongly agree”。



  1. I would say somethingpositive about [COMPANY ]。

  我會針對[公司]提供正面的意見。                          評分:              

  2. I would recommend theproducts/services of [COMPANY ]。

  我會推薦[公司]的產品/服務。                             評分:              

  3. If I had theopportunity, I would buy the products/services of [COMPANY ]。

  如果我有機會,我會購買[公司]的產品/服務。               評分:              

  4. If I had theopportunity, I would invest in [COMPANY ]。

  如果我有機會,我會投資于[公司]。                        評分:              

  5. If [COMPANY ] was facedwith a product or service problem, I would trust them to do the right thing。



  6. If I had theopportunity, I would recommend [COMPANY ] as an investment。

  如果我有機會,我會推薦[公司]為一個投資對象。            評分:              

  Interviewers                                     Questionnaire Date

  訪問員簽署:                                    問卷日期:                 

  Consultant                                       Verification Date

  顧問簽署  :                                    核查日期:                 

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