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http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年01月17日 10:15  新浪財經[ 微博 ]


  Research Fields


  The Organizationwill set up a pool of domestic strategic thoughts and senior experts inpolitics, economy, defense and diplomacy, conduct topical research on the majorissues concerned with China’sdevelopment, so as to achieveacademic and theoretical findings and policy-making suggestions. It will also carry out research and internationalexchange program on entrustment basis


  ●   Make theoretical andpractical innovation in seeking solution to the major social problems and historicprocess of rejuvenating Chinese civilization. 


  ● Exploreinnovation for the approaches to and organizational models of comprehensivecross-disciplinary research. Nowadays, the capability and proficiency to solvehighly comprehensive problems from a cross-disciplinary perspective have becomean important symbol of science development and integrated innovative abilityfor a country。


  ● Reflect scienceand humanities from the perspective of national strategies and reflect nationalstrategies from the perspective of science and humanities。


  Research on the strategicdevelopment model of China’speaceful rise


  The development model of China’s peaceful rise refers specifically to themodel initiated at the 3rd Plenary Session of the 11th CentralCommittee of Communist Party of China with the goal to realize China’smodernization and the rejuvenation of Chinese nation in an all-round way by themiddle of 21st century. Its essence is, under the world theme of peace,development and at the backdrop of economic globalization, to independently buildsocialism with Chinese characteristics and enable China to emerge as firm force to maintainglobal peace. The core of China’speaceful rise is the great rejuvenation of Chinese civilization which isentwined with contemporary human civilization。


  This brand newstrategic model is in consistent with the actual conditions of Chinaand the features of times with objectivity and people-first concept as itsmajor characteristics。


  The development modelof China’s peaceful rise isbased on the themes of modern world: peace and development, with the newtechnological revolution and economic globalization,


  We now are in the second decade of the 21st

  century. Whether we can realize China’speaceful rise depends on whether we can identify strategic opportunities andseize them, whether we can deal with various risks and challenges and with whatattitudes. Of course, it is true that quite a lot of uncertainties exist, and challenges,pressure, hardship and risks will emerge one after another. China’s peaceful rejuvenation will never besmooth. We can’t forget alarms in times of peace and prosperity。


  In some sense, China’s peaceful rise is in fact a model to “seek advantages and avoid advantages”. We need toseize opportunities and make the best of them. At the same time, we shouldoffer others opportunities because we can gain access to new opportunities inreturn. Opportunities don’t necessarily exist in a one-way form, and they arealso reciprocal. They arise when people interact with each other. If China is reluctant to offer other countriesopportunities, China’s ownopportunities will be gradually lost. We maintain peace, development andcooperation between countries in a bid to seek win-win results, and ininteraction with others we have more chance of finding new opportunities. Thetask to make an in-depth study of the various interests and stakes underlyinginternational relations and establish different unions of stakeholders fromdifferent perspectives present a new topic for China in the second decade ofthis new century.  


  China is stillglobally at a disadvantaged position in terms of comprehensive strength,besides, we have many serious weaknesses and many unpredictable factors still exist.It is evitable that we will meet setbacks and hardships in the realization of peacefulrise. But if we can deal with them properly and develop new ideas, we can turnrisks into opportunities and create new opportunities. 


  We should stickto our belief and make constant efforts, undaunted by any risk or frustrated byany setback. We should make judgment from a strategic perspective, face anddeal with problems with an open mind and a practical attitude. We shouldimprove ability to observe international situation and deal with global affairs,control domestic interest conflicts and care for the interests of all sidesinvolved, enhance the ability to map out global strategies and cope with majorchallenges.  


  Theoretical and practicalresearch on China’s socialgovernance


  We are now at thestart of the second decade in the 21st century. From now to 2020,our country will score new achievements and see a great transformation from amoderately prosperous society with low-level and imbalanced development to awell-off society which can benefit around 1.4 billion people and realize ahigher degree of development. This goal means all Chinese, including us, shouldput the mission of building a well-off society as our top priority. We shouldstrive to build a systematic project of a socialist harmonious societyinvolving material prosperity, political democracy, ethical progress, nicesocial order, good ecological environment in the course of promoting progressin economy, politics, culture, society and ecology.    


  Socialgovernance is not only an important part of socialist cultural construction butclosely related to the above “fiveaspects”. The essence of social governance is to ensure abetter and secure life of all people, particularly those at grassroots levelsand fulfill the goal to build a harmonious society with proper administrative,economic, cultural and legal tools. If this problem can’t be solved, the greatcause of modernization won’t have a solid foundation. China’s social governance is to create a newsocial order featuring dynamism, order and harmony. The order is created foraround 1.4 billion people under the context of industrialization, urbanization,globalization in a market-oriented and information-based society. It’s ofoverriding importance and is the prerequisite to build a well-off society tobenefit about 1.4 billion people and realize a higher degree of development.Social governance in essence is both society building and social system reform.We target our research at high-profile social problems and will focus effortson key links in development, systematic arrangement and combination ofeconomic, political, cultural and social reforms.  


  Thesocial governance pattern based on the mechanism “led by the Party, managedby the government, assisted by the society and participated by the public” was put forth for the first time at the 4th PlenarySession of 16th CPC Central Committee, and this serves as apacesetter for the social governance with broad public participation. Over thepast years, some experience has been accumulated in urban and rural areas of China to explore social governance models. We hopeto cooperate with local governments to study different cases and summarize experiencesystematically with a “theory-integrated-with-practice” approach. Meanwhile, we hope to cooperate with universities orresearch institutions to study the theories of social governance in othercountries and draw on their experience。


  Researchon Technological Innovation and Low-carbon City Building


  New science andindustrial revolution is the major driving force for the progress of humancivilization. It will help develop a brand-new, resources and energy-efficientgreen economy, thus advancing the transition of a society from industrialcivilization to ecology-based civilization. Agricultural civilization,industrial civilization and ecology-based civilization are the three forms ofcivilization in human history. The financial crisis in 2008 and the array ofproblems it triggers are bound to speed up the transition of human society fromindustrial civilization to ecology-based civilization. For the time being, weare at the juncture of this historical transition。


  It has become ashared choice for the international community to follow the trend of newscience and industrial revolution as well as the demands of advanced productiveforces in the age of ecology civilization to adopt a sustainable developmentmodel. New science revolution will provide sustainable development model withnew technology and channels, which can be directly applied to innovationtechnology and mechanism, thus leading to major adjustments in policiesconcerned with industry, energy, technology and trade. Through the low-carboneconomic model and low-carbon lifestyle, a low-carbon city will be built andsustainable socio-economic development can be realized. This is a long-termstrategic mission we shall face in years to come. We have to free ourselvesfrom outdated ideas and develop new thought pattern and make innovations in institutionand mechanism。


  We are makingactive preparations for the 2nd session ofStrategic Forum on U.S.-China Clean Energy Cooperation and carrying outresearch programs on low-carbon city building. 

  最近,中國科學院集中了三百位科學家精心制訂了“未來50年中國科技發展路線圖”。 在已有研究成果的基礎上,研究會擬邀請國內外戰略思想智庫的著名專家,不僅從科技創新的角度,也從人文社會科學的角度,進一步從國家發展戰略的高度,對“未來50年中國科技發展路線圖”的研究,進行充實、完善的論證。

  Recently, Chinese Academyof Sciences has organized 300 scientists to make the “Roadmap ofChina’s TechnologicalDevelopment in Next 50 Years”. With the research as thebasis, we plan to invite famous experts on strategic studies from think tanksat home and abroad to review and enrich the roadmap from the perspective oftechnological innovation, human and social sciences, and furthermore from theangle of national development strategies。


  Independentinnovation never means returning to the old model of “closingthe country to international communication” and making innovationswith a closed-door policy, but means innovation “with the doors open” and being linked to economicglobalization rather than being isolated from it. Efforts should be made inintegrated innovations based on an “introduce-digest-absorb-reinnovate” model. Only in this way can independent innovations prove to beeffective and China be developedinto a well-off society as well as an innovative country and stand at thefrontier of modern technology. We are committed to the promotion ofinternational academic exchanges in this field. 


  Undertakingcooperation and consultancy programs commissioned by governments at all levelsand various enterprises


  At thebeginning of the second decade in the 21st century, governments atall levels in China have made the formulation of the 12th five-yearplan high on their agenda and so do enterprises in making strategic developmentplans. We are ready to cooperate governments at all levels and variousenterprises and to undertake cooperation and consultancy programs forthem.   

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