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http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年01月17日 10:09  新浪財經[ 微博 ]

  Statute ofChina Institute for Innovation and Development Strategy (CIISDS)

  第一章 總    則

  Chapter I  General Provisions


  Article 1 This Organization shall be known as”China Institute for Innovation andDevelopment Strategy” (hereinafter referred to as “this Organization ”)。

  第二條 本團體的性質是學術性、全國性、非盈利社團組織,由致力于國家科學和人文事業發展并進行國際交流的單位或個人自愿組成。

  Article 2 This Organization is a non-profit nationalacademic society, composed of entities or individuals committed to thedevelopment of Chinese science and humanity causes and their internationalexchange, who join the organization on voluntary basis。

  第三條 本團體遵守憲法、法律、法規和國家政策,遵守社會道德風尚;宗旨是促進自然科學和人文社會科學新結合、促進科學精神和人文精神新覺醒;本團體致力于研究科技創新、經濟發展、國家安全、社會治理、文化建設、兩岸關系、國際戰略等領域,推進國家創新與發展。

  Article 3 Complying with the Constitution,laws, regulations and national policies of the People's Republic of China , andadhering to the socialist morality, the purpose of this Organization shall beto to promote integration of natural science and social sciences as well as therevitalization of spirit of science and the spirit of humanism. ThisOrganization is committed to research in strategic issues in the fieldsincluding technological innovation, economic development, state security,social governance, culture development and other areas, so as to promotenational innovation and development。

  第四條 本團體接受業務主管單位中國科學院和社團登記管理機關中華人民共和國民政部的業務指導和監督管理。

  Article 4 This Organization shall accept the businessguidance and thesupervision of supervisory authority, which is the Chinese Academy ofSciences and registrationauthority, which is the Ministry of Civil Affairs。

  第五條 本團體的住所設在中國北京。

  Article 5 The seat of this Organization shall be in Beijing, China。

  第二章 業務范圍

  Chapter II  Business Scope

  第六條 本團體的業務范圍:

  Article 6 The major business scope of thisOrganization shall be:


  Carrying out national development strategy research.The priority goes to research over China’s peaceful rise anddevelopment and international strategy so as to achieve academic and theoreticalfindings and decision-making suggestions. It also carries out internationalexchange program on entrustment basis。


  Promoting international economic cooperation. ThisOrganization is committed to setting up and developing good cooperativerelations with foreign think tanks, governments, research institutions, socialorganizations and enterprises that has some influence in the industry, and helpingdomestic enterprises to go global and participate in international economic cycleand international communication, so as to play a role of bridge in promotinginternational cooperation. 


  Providing consulting service. This Organizationcarries out joint research with local governments and enterprises on the basisof their entrustment and provides talent support and consulting service for theirdecision-making。

  第三章 會    員

  Chapter III  Membership

  第七條 本團體的會員種類包括單位會員和個人會員。單位會員是指各類行業內有影響力的企業、事業單位、社會團體、研究機構等,個人會員是指具有一定社會影響力的經濟學家、專家學者、社會各界知名人士等。

  Article 7 Members of this Organization include entitymember and individual member. An entity member refers to an enterprise, a publicinstitution, a non-government organization or a research organization that hasrelatively great influence in its industry. An individual member refers to an economist,an expert, a scholar, and a renowned figure that has relatively great influencein various circles of the society。

  第八條 申請加入本團體的會員,必須具備下列條件

  Article 8 Entities or individuals applyingfor admission to this Organization shall be qualified as follows:


  (1)adhering to the Statute of this Organization;


  (2)voluntarily making application;


  (3)having relatively great influence in its field;


  (4)having the willingness to perform the obligationsrequired by this Organization。

  第九條 會員入會的程序:

  Article 9 The procedure for member admission shall beas follows:


  (1) submitting application;


  (2) discussion and adoption by the Council;


  (3) issuing member certificates by the Council or abody authorized by the Council。

  第十條 會員享有下列權利:

  Article 10 Themembers shall have the right:


  (1) to elect, be elected and vote in this Organization;


  (2) to participate in relevant activities of thisOrganization;


  (3) to obtain, in priority, service of the Organization;


  (4)to propose comments and suggestions to the work ofthis Organization and to supervise;


  (5) to voluntarily join and freely withdraw from themembership of this Organization。


  (6)to use, in priority, the economic data and research findingsprovided by the website of this Organization。


  (7) to participate in , in priority, seminar, trainingand other kinds of research and exchange activities organized by thisOrganization。


  (8) Other rights endowed by the Council of thisOrganization。

  第十一條 會員履行下列義務:

  Article 11 The members shall have the obligation:


  (1) to carry out the resolutions of this Organization;


  (2) to protect the lawful rights and interests andinterests of this Organization;


  (3)to fulfill tasks assigned by this Organization;


  (4)to pay membership dues as prescribed in theregulations of this Organization;


  (5) to report and provide to the Association relevantinformation and materials;


  (6) to abide by the Statute and other relevant regulationsof this Organization;


  (7) to actively participate in various activitiesorganized by the Association。

  第十二條 會員退會應書面通知本團體,并交回會員證。會員如果1年不交納會費或不參加本團體活動的,視為自動退會。

  Article 12 Any member may withdraw from themembership of this Organization by giving notice in writing and shall thenreturn the member certificate. And any member shall be deemed as automatically withdrawing from membership if failing to paymembership dues or to participate in the activities of this Organization forone year。

  第十三條 會員如有嚴重違反本章程的行為,經理事會或常務理事會表決通過,予以除名。

  Article 13 Should any member violate seriously theStatute, it shall be expulsed after adopted by the Standing Council throughvoting。

  第四章 組織機構和負責人產生、罷免

  Chapter IV  Creation and Dismissal of the Organs andPersons in Charge

  第十四條 本團體的最高權力機構是會員代表大會,會員代表大會的職權是:

  Article 14 The Assembly of Member Representatives (hereinafterreferred to as “theAssembly”) shall be the highest organ of theOrganization, the functions of the Assembly shall be:


  (1) to formulate and amend the Statute of theOrganization;;


  (2) to elect or dismiss members of the Council;


  (3) to review the working report and financial reportof the Council;


  (4) to decide the dissolution of the Organization;


  (5) to discuss and decide other issues as stipulatedby agendas of the Assembly;


  (6) to decide other important issues。

  第十五條 會員代表大會須有2/3以上的會員代表出席方能召開,其決議須經到會會員代表半數以上表決通過方能生效。

  Article 15 The Assembly shall not conveneunless two third of the representatives of members are present. The decision ofthe Assembly shall not be effective unless it is adopted by a two thirds majorityof the votes cast of the representatives of members present。

  第十六條 會員代表大會每屆5年。因特殊情況需提前或延期換屆的,須由理事會表決通過,報業務主管單位審查并經社團登記管理機關批準同意。但延期換屆最長不超過1年。

  Article 16 The Assembly shall normally meetin ordinary session every fifth year. The Assembly may be convened ahead of theschedule or be postponed provided that it is:

  •  so decided by the council;

  •  reported to the supervisory authority for review; and

  •  approved by the registration authority。

  The Assembly shall not be postponed for more than one year。

  第十七條 理事會是會員代表大會的執行機構,在閉會期間領導本團體開展日常工作,對會員代表大會負責。

  Article 17 The Council shall be the executing organ ofthe Assembly. It shall lead this Organization in day-to-day business betweensessions of the Assembly and shall answer for the Assembly。

  第十八條 理事會的職權是:

  Article 18 The functions of the Council shall be:


  (1) to implement the decisions of the Assembly;


  (2) to elect and dismiss Chairman, Vice Chairman and SecretaryGeneral of the Council;


  (3) to make preparation to the convening of the Assembly;;


  (4) to report to the Assembly the work and financialstatus of the Organization;


  (5) to make decision on acceptance or dismissal ofmembers;


  (6) to make decision on setting up working organs,branches, representative offices and operating units;


  (7) to make decision on appointment of Deputy SecretaryGeneral, and the major persons-in-charges of its organs;


  (8)to lead the work of the organs of this Organization;


  (9)to formulate internal management system;


  (10) to decide other important issues。

  第十九條 理事會須有2/3以上理事出席方能召開,其決議須經到會理事2/3以上表決通過方能生效。

  Article 19  TheCouncil shall not meet until two third of the Councilors are present. Thedecisions of the Council shall not be effective until they are adopted by atwo-third majority of the votes cast。

  第二十條 理事會每年至少召開一次會議,情況特殊的,也可采用通訊形式召開。

  Article 20 The Council shall meet at least once ayear. Meeting may be convened by telecommunication means if there is such aneed in exceptional case。

  第二十一條 本團體設立常務理事會。常務理事會由理事會選舉產生,在理事會閉會期間行使第十八條第一、三、五、六、七、八、九項的職權,對理事會負責(常務理事人數不超過理事人數的1/3)。

  Article 21 This Organization shall establishthe Standing Council. The Standing Council shall be elected by the Council, andshall execute the functions as prescribed in clauses(1), (3), (5), (6), (7),(8), and (9) of Article 18. The Standing Council shall answer for the Council. (The number of Standing Councilorshall not be more than one third of the councilors。)

  第二十二條 常務理事會須有2/3以上常務理事出席方能召開,其決議須經到會常務理事2/3以上表決通過方能生效。

  Article 22 The Standing Council shall not meet untiltwo third of the Standing Councilors are present. The decisions shall not beeffective unless adopted by of a two-thirds majority of the Standing Councilorspresent。

  第二十三條 常務理事會至少半年召開一次會議;情況特殊的也可采用通訊形式召開。

  Article 23 The Standing Council could meet at leastonce every half year. Meeting may be convened by telecommunication means ifthere is such a need in exceptional case。

  第二十四條 本團體的理事長、副理事長、秘書長必須具備下列條件:

  Article 24 The Chairman, Vice Chairman andSecretary General of the Council of the Organization shall be qualified at:


  (1) adhering to the line, principle, policy of the Partywith high political quality;


  (2) having relatively great influence to the trade, withwhich this Organization is concerned;



  being not olderthan 70 years, and the Secretary General being full time;


  (4) being in good health condition, and being able to worknormally;


  (5) not being deprived of political rights;


  (6) being able to fully exercise the civil rights。

  第二十五條 本團體理事長、副理事長、秘書長如超過最高任職年齡的,須經理事會表決通過,報業務主管單位審查并經社團登記管理機關批準同意后,方可任職。

  Article 25 The Chairman, Vice Chairman or SecretaryGeneral who are older than the maximum age requirementas prescribed in the Statute may be appointed provided it is adopted by theCouncil, reported to the  businesssupervisory authority for review and approved by the registration authority。

  第二十六條 本團體理事長、副理事長、秘書長任期5年。理事長、副理事長、秘書長任期最長不得超過兩屆,因特殊情況需延長任期的,須經會員代表大會2/3以上會員代表表決通過,報業務主管單位審查并經社團登記管理機關批準同意后方可任職。

  Each term of office of the Chairman, Vice Chairman andSecretary General shall be five years. They shall not hold the same officeconsecutively for more than two full terms. Their terms of office may extend inexceptional case provided that it is adopted by a two-third majority of thevotes cast of the Assembly, reported to the business supervisory authority forreview and approved by the registration authority。

  第二十七條 本團體理事長為本團體法定代表人。本團體法定代表人不兼任其他團體的法定代表人。

  Article 27 The Legal Representative of thisOrganization shall be the Chairman of the Council of the Organization. TheLegal Representative of the Association shall not be appointed as legalrepresentative of other institutions。

  第二十八條 本團體理事長行使下列職權:

  Article 28 The functions of the Chairman shall be:


  (1)to convene and preside the meetings of the Council;


  (2)to inspect the implementation of the decisions ofthe Assembly, the Council meetings;


  (3)to sign important document on behalf of thisOrganization;


  (4)to organize and promote the formulation of mid-and-longterm development plan of the organization that is conducive to realization ofthe purpose of this Organization。

  第二十九條 本團體秘書長行使下列職權:

  Article 29 The functions of the Secretary General of thisOrganization shall be:


  (1) to take charge of the routine work of the office,organize the implementation of the annual work plan;;


  (2) to coordinate the work of branches,representative offices and operating units;


  (3)to nominate Deputy Secretary Generals and majorpersons in charge of organs, branches, representative offices and operatingunits for the consideration and decision of the Council or the StandingCouncil;


  (4) to decide the employment of full-time staff of itsorgans, representative offices and operating units; 


  (5) to enforce rules and regulations approved byCouncil;


  (6)to deal with other daily issues。

  第五章 資產管理、使用原則

  Chapter V  Principle of Financial Management

  第三十條 本團體經費來源:

  Article 30 The income of the Association shall derivefrom:


  (1) membership dues,


  (2) donations;


  (3) government funding;


  (4) income generated from the activities or servicesconducted within the approved business scope;


  (5) deposit interest;


  (6) Other legal income。

  第三十一條 本團體按照國家有關規定收取會員會費。

  Article 31 This Organization shall receivemembership dues in accordance with relevant regulations of the State。

  第三十二條 本團體經費必須用于本章程規定的業務范圍和事業的發展,不得在會員中分配。

  Article 32  The funding of the Association shall be used for thedevelopment of the business and courses as prescribed in the Statute . It shallnot be allotted among members。

  第三十三條 本團體建立嚴格的財務管理制度,保證會計資料合法、真實、準確、完整。

  Article 33 This Organization shall establish strictfinancial management system, and shall ensure the legitimacy, authenticity,accuracy and integrity of the accounting system。

  第三十四條 本團體配備具有專業資格的會計人員。會計不得兼任出納。會計人員必須進行會計核算,實行會計監督。會計人員調動工作或離職時,必須與接管人員辦清交接手續。

  Article 34 This Organization shall employ accountantwith professional qualification. The accountant shall not be employed ascashier at the same time and shall conduct business accounting and accountingsupervision. The accountant shall go through handing-over procedure withhis/her successor when he/she is transferred to other post or quit the post。

  第三十五條 本團體的資產管理必須執行國家規定的財務管理制度,接受會員代表大會和財政部門的監督。資產采源屬于國家撥款或者社會捐贈、資助的,必須接受審計機關的監督,并將有關情況以適當方式向社會公布。

  Article 35 The asset management of the Associationshall apply the financial management system stipulated by the government , andshall be supervised by the Assembly and relevant financial departments. Theassets derived from the governmental allocation or public contribution anddonation shall be supervised by the auditing departments. Relevant informationshall be publicized as appropriate。

  第三十六條 本團體換屆或更換法定代表人之前必須接受社團登記管理機關和業務主管單位組織的財務審計。

  Article 36 Financial auditing shall beconducted by the registration authority and the business supervisory authoritybefore the change of term of office of the Assembly or the change of the LegalRepresentative of this Organzation。

  第三十七條 本團體的資產,任何單位、個人不得侵占、私分和挪用。

  Article 37 The asset of this Organization shall not beseized, partitioned and impropriated by any institutions or individuals。

  第三十八條 本團體專職工作人員的工資和保險、福利待遇,參照國家對事業單位的有關規定執行。

  Article 38 The salary, insurance and welfare of thefull-time staff of the Association shall be allocated in accordance with therelevant regulations of the State on institutions。

  第六章 章程的修改程序

  Chapter VI Amendmentof the Statute

  第三十九條 對本團體章程的修改,須經理事會表決通過后報會員代表大會審議。

  Article 39 The amendment to the Statuteshall be adopted by the Council before being reported to the Assembly forconsideration。

  第四十條 本團體修改的章程,須在會員代表大會通過后15日內,經業務主管單位審查同意,并報社團登記管理機關核準后生效。

  Article 40  The amended Statute shall be effective after it isadopted by the Assembly and submitted to the business supervisory authority forreview  and approval within 15 days ofthe adoption of the amendment by the Assembly and reported to registrationauthority for ratification。

  第七章 終止程序及終止后的財產處理

  Chapter VII Dissolutionand the Financial Arrangement after the Dissolution

  第四十一條 本團體完成宗旨或自行解散或由于分立、合并等原因需要注銷的,由理事會或常務理事會提出終止動議。

  Article 41 Should there is a need to logoutthis Organization due to its fulfillment of objectives, voluntarily dismissal,split or mergence, a motion of dissolution shall be proposed by the Council orthe Standing Council。

  第四十二條 本團體終止動議須經會員代表大會表決通過,并報業務主管單位審查同意。

  Article42 The motion ofdissolution of this Organization shall be adopted by the Assembly throughvoting, and be reported to the business supervisory authority for review andapproval。

  第四十三條 本團體終止前,須在業務主管單位及有關機關指導下成立清算組織,清理債權債務,處理善后事宜。清算期間,不開展清算以外的活動。

  Article 43  Before the dissolution of this Organization, aliquidation group shall be set up under the direction of business supervisoryauthority and relevant departments to liquidate financial claims andliabilities and to deal with arising problems. During the liquidation, no otheractivities shall be undertaken。

  第四十四條 本團體經社團登記管理機關辦理注銷登記手續后即為終止。

  Article 44 This Organization shall be dissolved afterthe procedure of log-out is gone through in the civil organization registrationauthority。

  第四十五條 本團體終止后的剩余財產,在業務主管單位和社團登記管理機關的監督下,按照國家有關規定,用于發展與本團體宗旨相關的事業。

  Article 45 The remnant estate of thisOrganization after the dissolution shall be used to the development of thecourses relevant to the objectives of this Organization in accordance withrelevant regulations of the State under the supervision of the businesssupervisory authority and the registration authority。

  第八章 附    則

  Chapter VIII  Bylaw

  第四十六條 本章程經      年     月     日會員代表大會表決通過。

  Article 46 The Statute was adopted by theAssembly at its meeting on xx/xx/xxxx。

  第四十七條 本章程的解釋權屬本團體的理事會。

  Article 47 The right to interpret the Statute shallfall to the Council of this Organization。

  第四十八條 本章程自社團登記管理機關核準之日起生效。

  Article 48 The Statute shall be effectivefrom the date when it is ratified by the registration authority。

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