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http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年07月20日 12:20  新浪財經


  Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum: the most ideal platform for intellectual exchange among Chinese entrepreneurs!


  Why Yabuli?


  There are various forums and summits in different forms in China, and many are of and for entrepreneurs. But why do people, rather than staying at their warm homes with their family, come to this freezing, remote town in northeastern China every winter? What do they find here? What continues to attract them? This is a question shared by many people, whether they have been to similar forums or not. The true answer would be that the Yabuli Forum is where men go back to nature; Yabuli is an intellectual processing factory for thoughts on the development of Chinese enterprises。


  How wide are the scopes of Yabuli’s entrepreneurs?

  亞布力的山脈延綿不斷,亞布力的植物林林總總。與這些神奇的大自然世界相比,亞布力論壇的企業家的視野或許更加豐富與寬廣。 十年來, 亞布力論壇的主題與討論焦點幾乎完整地覆蓋了所有中國企業發展已經遇到和將要遇到的重大問題與挑戰,并且對于這些挑戰進行了超前性的研究、分析與判斷。

  The mountains of Yabuli go on and on, with countless trees and plants spread all over. But even compared with the magnificence of Mother Nature, the scopes of the Yabuli entrepreneurs might be wider. In the past ten years, the themes and foci of the Yabuli Forums have covered all the key problems and challenges that Chinese enterprises have faced or will face in the future, and we have given the most advanced research, analysis and judgment to these problems。


  How far do entrepreneurs’ insights go?


  The Yabuli Forums is the focus of the best insights from the best Chinese entrepreneurs. We focus not only in the technical problems of management, talent, institution, and technology, but, more importantly, in long-term, strategic problems. It is the China Entrepreneurs Forum that first started the discussion of the resource cap for China’s economic development, and it was CEF that first proposed that China use its foreign exchange reserves in acquiring global resources. This shared sense of far-sightedness represents China’s interest and voice in the process of globalization and serves as a key force in the forming of the government’s national strategy。


  Yabuli is the landmark for the maturity of Chinese entrepreneurs。


  The Yabuli Forums are a leading pioneer in China’s NGO sphere. Alxa SEE Ecological Association, E-China Alliance, the Green Wood Club, the China Entrepreneur Summit, the China Urban Realty Association, the founding and development of these NGOs are all originated from Yabuli. The participants of Yabuli may not always represent the top economic power in China, they may not always be the leaders of industries, but they are always the most insightful and innovative entrepreneurs. The most important contribution for Yabuli is all the original thoughts formed at our forums. This is the foremost value of Yabuli。


  As the Chinese saying goes, “for ten years one polishes a sword,” the Yabuli Forums will preserve its original principles of freedom, democracy, equality, and inclusiveness. We firmly believe that if we remain in line with the grand tide of China’s economy, Yabuli’s future will be brighter than that of Davos!

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