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地壇論壇嘉賓簡介:Melissa Guzy

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年06月03日 15:14  新浪財經

  顧怡梅  Melissa Guzy

  董事總經理, 兼亞洲新興市場負責人


  顧怡梅女士于2001年加入VantagePoint,負責領導亞洲新興市場團隊。作為一位成功的企業創始人、首席執行官和投資人, 顧女士在半導體工業領域擁有19年的豐富經驗。 在加入VANTAGEPOINT之前,由她創辦并擔任CEO的半導體封裝公司,成功研發了業界領先的三維封裝技術并為高密度背板奠定了新的行業標準。作為一位投資銀行家,顧女士的職業生涯開始于美國培基證券公司。她曾加入韋爾斯利學院,并畢業于佛羅里達大學。顧女士是霍普金斯大學研究員,并且擔任美國佛羅里達大學及香港科技大學的客座教授。她還參與了哈佛大學的女性領導計劃。

  Managing Directorand Group Leader, Emerging Markets-Asia

  Melissa joinedVantagePoint in 2001 and leads the Emerging Markets-Asia Group. She has 19years of experience within the semiconductor industry as an entrepreneur, CEO,and investor. Before joining VantagePoint, she founded and served as CEO of aVantagePoint semiconductor packaging company where she oversaw the developmentof leading-edge 3-D packaging that set new industry standards for high-densitybackplanes. Melissa began her career at Prudential Securities as an investmentbanker. She attended Wellesley

  College and is a graduateof the University of Florida (BS) (MSF) Candidate. Melissa is the guestlecturer at University

  of Florida and Hong Kong Universityof Science and Technology. Melissa is a Hopkins Fellow and participated in theWomen's Leadership Program at Harvard


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