李峰于2009年加入VantagePoint Venture Partners成為合伙人. 李峰作為學者,企業家和CEO在能源系統,醫療設備,IT和媒體領域有超過15年的經驗。他在鼎程傳媒有限公司擔任董事會主席,該公司是由他創辦并一直擔任董事會主席兼首席執行官至2008年。在此之前,他與別人共同創辦Photonify技術公司,該公司是硅谷的一家醫療器械公司,李峰擔任董事長兼首席執行官。他還擔任中國可再生能源學會國際事務和投融資部主任。李峰是清華大學(學士,碩士)和麻省理工學院(碩士,博士研究生)的畢業生
Feng Li
Feng joined VantagePoint as a VenturePartner in 2009 with over 15 years of experience in energy system, medicaldevice, IT and media industries as a researcher, entrepreneur and CEO. He isthe Chairman of the Board at Universe Media Holdings, Ltd., which he co-foundedand served as the Chairman and CEO until 2008. Prior to Universe Media, heco-founded Photonify Technologies, Inc., a Silicon Valley
based medical device company, and served as the chairman and CEO. He alsoserves as Director of International Affairs and Head of Investment andFinancing Committee at China Renewable Energy Society. Feng is a graduate of Tsinghua University (BS, MS) and MassachusettsInstitute of Technology (MS,PhD)