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http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年06月01日 11:31  新浪財經


  China Country Director, World Resources Institute (WRI)

  Professor Zou Ji is the China Country Director of World Resources Institute (WRI) and professor of Environmental Economics and Management at Renmin University of China based in Beijing. With his 25 years long experiences as teacher, researcher and policy analyst focusing on energy and climate change in China, administrative leader in the University, and negotiator of UN Climate Talks on China’s behalf, among his other professional activities, he is knowledgeable on the situation and policy processes on Chinese economic development courses, energy, and climate at national and local levels. Being involved in various policy processes on energy and climate, he has kept broad contacts with practitioners including government officials from different relevant ministries or departments, R&D institutions, industrial associations, and NGOs in the field of energy efficiency and renewables in China. His experiences to work at provincial and municipal levels with a focus on development of master plan for construction of low carbon provinces and cities make him be familiar with the provincial and municipal rules and culture of policymaking. From 2000 through 2009, he has served as a negotiator for China in UN Climate Talks concentrating on such issues as development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies and capacity building in developing countries. This makes him bear an international vision on energy and climate change, taking into account the context of Chinese energy, economic development, and sectoral dynamics at national and local levels。

  Zou Ji has a multi‐disciplinary education background with B.S of environmental engineering and M.S. of engineering economics at Tsinghua University and Ph.D. of environmental economics at Renmin University of China with experiences to work as a visiting scholar at Harvard University and London School of Economics and Political Sciences and an intern in Environmental Directorate General of European Commission。

  鄒 驥





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