博士,2003~2009年任中國林業科學研究院研究員,氣候變化與森林學科組首席專家。2009年5月至今任美國大自然保護協會中國部氣候變化高級科學家。編制了中國首次土地利用變化和林業溫室氣體清單編制,起草了全球第一個和第六個被CDM執行理事會批準的方法學,開發了全球首個CDM造林再造林項目以及其它多個在中國和印度開展的CDM造林再造林項目。目前是CDM執行理事會造林再造林工作組成員(2006~),發達國家溫室氣體排放清單審評專家(2004~),CDM造林再造林方法學評審專家(2005~)。作為主要作者曾參與IPCC土地利用土地利用變化和林業優良做法指南、2006 IPCC國家溫室氣體清單指南、IPCC第四次評估報告等多個IPCC方法學和技術報告的編寫,參與農業、林業和其它土地利用(AFOLU)項目自愿碳標準的起草。
Zhang Xiaoquan
Ph.D., Senior Scientist for climatechange, The Nature Conservancy
Zhang Xiaoquan, Ph.D., a researchprofessor and the lead of climate change and forest group from 2003 to 2009, andhas been senior scientist for climate change in The Nature Conservancy ChinaProgram since May 2009. Leading the preparation of the first greenhouse gasinventory in land use change and forestry sector of China. Taking a lead in thepreparation of the first and sixth CDM afforestation/reforestation baseline andmonitoring methodology approved by CDM Executive Board (AR-AM0001, AR-AM0006). Takinga lead in successful development of several A/R CDM projects in China and India, including the first and thirdregistered A/R CDM project in the world. Lead author of the IPCC Good Practiceguidance for land use, land use change and forestry, 2006 IPCC Guidelines forNational Greenhouse Gas Inventory (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use,AFOLU), IPCC 4th assessment report, Voluntary Carbon Standard forAFOLU projects. Mr. Zhang is the member of the CDM afforestation/reforestationWorking group (2006-), reviewer of the Annex I party greenhouse gas inventory(2004-) and lead reviewer (2009-)。