Head of Research for China, Bloomberg NewEnergy Finance
Jun joined Bloomberg NewEnergy Finance in London in January 2005 and inMay 2007 he relocated to China
to open up and run the Beijing
office. Jun’s responsibilities include managing the research and analyticalwork of the China Team, which provides the latest insight into this emergingclean energy market。
Prior to Bloomberg NewEnergy Finance, Jun worked for five years at the Bank of China, Head Office in Beijing, where his rolesincluded Client Relationship Manager in the Corporate Banking Division and AssistantManager in the Multi-Trade Division。
Jun holds an MPhil in Planning,Growth and Regeneration from the University
of Cambridge and a Bachelor ofEconomics in International Finance from the University
of International Business andEconomics in Beijing。
彭博社新能源財經(Bloomberg New Energy Finance),中國區研究部主管。