Yang Fuqiang
director of Global Climate ChangeSolutions, WWF International。
Yang Fuqiang has been involved in energyand environmental issues for more than 3 decades. He was vice president ofEnergy Foundation and chief representative of Energy Foundation Beijing Officefrom 2000 to 2008. The EF China Sustainable Energy Program (CSEP) was dedicatedto public policy development in China
aimed at cost-effective carbon emissions reductions through the deployment ofenergy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. Yang Fuqiang had workedwith Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory on China’s energy and environmentalissues, and published a number of reports in this field during 1992-1999. In1984, Yang Fuqiang worked on regional energy planning at the Cornell University
as a fellow of the World Bank. Before he moved to the United States in 1984, Yang Fuqiangworked with Energy Research Institute, State Planning Commission, on renewableand rural energy policy, energy modeling and forecasting, project evaluationand long term planning. Yang Fuqiang got his Ph. D in Industrial Engineering at
West Virginia University
in the United States in 1991and his B. S in Physics at Jilin University in China in 1977