韋志洪 男
Mr. Wei Zhihong
Graduated from theDepartment of Engineering Physics of Tsinghua University in February 1968, andnow is a professor of Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology of TsinghuaUniversity, Beijing, China. Since late 1980s, Prof. Wei hasbeen studying energy, environment, economy and climate issues focusing on GHGemission reduction, priority areas, reduction cost analysis, mitigationstrategies in China.He worked for a lot of researches of key national science and technologyprojects and international cooperation projects on addressing climate change,for example, key national science and technology projects for the 8th, 9th, 10th,11th Five-year Plans, China–US, China–EU, China–WB, China–ADB bilateral andmultilateral project activities, etc. At the same time, many efforts are also putfor CDM capacity building activities, for reviewing PDD of CDM projects appliedby China
project owners, more than 400 PDDs have been assessed for past 5 years sincetaken as an expert of China CDM Project Management Board. He was a member ofMath Panel of EB during July 2004 to September 2006.