北京大學國家發展研究院教授,國家政策實驗室主任,北大國際(BiBMA)教授。師從澤爾騰教授(Reihard Selten)和海薩尼教授(John C. Harsanyi)(1994年諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者),獲德國波恩大學數量經濟學和信息學博士。從事實驗經濟學、低碳經濟與氣候變化,博弈論與產業組織,電子商務及網絡營銷等研究,1997年獲實驗經濟學會Heinz Sauermann獎,在國際一流學報發表40余篇學術論文,與環境經濟學權威克內奇教授(Jack Knetsch)和行為金融學鼻祖塞勒教授(Richard Thaler)合作的兩篇論文被前沿進展類叢書重印和收錄全書。自1994年起,在香港財經日報《信報》開設“經濟觀點”每周專欄,在華人財經界有廣泛影響力。
Dr. Tang Fang-Fang
Professor of Economics, Finance, andMarketing, National School of Development, Peking University. Also teachesBiBMA。
Director of National Policy Lab。
Research Field: Experimental Economics,Low-Carbon Economy and Climate Change, Game Theory and Industrial Organization,E-Commerce and On-line Marketing。
Learning from ProfessorReinhard Selten and John C. Harsanyi (1994 Nobel Laureates in Economics), Dr.Tang received his PhD in Quantitative Economics and Informatics from BonnUniversity. In 1997, he received Heinz Sauermann Prize from the Society ofExperimental Economics. More than 40 of his papers have been published onInternational top journals, in which two papers (coauthored with Professor JackKnetsch and Richard Thaler) were in New Development in Experimental Economicsand Handbook of Contemporary Behavioral Economics: Foundations and Developments.Since 1994, Dr. Tang has been writing for Column “Economic Viewpoint” in HongKong Economic Journal, which has a widespread influence in Chinese FinancialCircle。